Vaihda kieltä: English

Etusivu > Opintohaku > IT for Logistics (TTKA0904) > 2021-2022

IT for Logistics

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: TTKA0904
OPS: TK 2021
Taso: Tradenomi (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 1 (2021-2022)
Lukukausi: Kevät
Laajuus: 3 op
Vastuuopettaja: Norrgård, Kenneth
Opetuskieli: Englanti

Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2021-2022

3005TK2021-1A, TK2021-1B10.1.2022 – 5.6.2022Kenneth NorrgårdEnglanti1.12.2021 – 6.3.2022
3007H-VV31.5.2021 – 5.9.2021Kenneth NorrgårdEnglanti15.3.2021 – 9.4.2021


The student will learn the basics of logistics and supply chain management and will be able to identify the technologies needed for the traceability of the materials in the logistical network of the company.
The student get familier with the use of technonolgies and applications to improve the efficiency of logistics operations. This refers to operations within a warehouse or distribution center, tasks in the supply chain management systems and/or enterprise resource planning systems..

Opiskelijan työmäärä

The learning method is Task Oriented Learning and the course represents a total work load of 81 h (3 x 27h) which are earned through points (1h = 1p) preliminary as follows:
A pre reflection for 4 points
14 week tasks x 2 p = 28 points
A quiz for 10 points
5 assignments x 5 p = 25 p
A final assignment 10 p
A post reflection for 4 points

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

Basic knowledge of how a company works is good but not mandatory


The course is divided into 7 parts with learning activities and assignments.
Part 0: Getting started | The first week
Part 1: Introduction to SCM and Logistics | 2 weeks
Part 2: Technologies in SCM and Logistics | 2 weeks
Part 3: Impact of Exponential Technologies on Global SCM | 2 weeks
Part 4: Integrating Blockchain Technology within Supply Chain Operations | 2 weeks
Part 5: Case studies of supply chain technology implementation | 2 weeks
Part 6: Guiding Principles for Driving Digital Technology in the Supply Chain | 2 weeks
Part 7: Technology in SCM and logistics: what does the future hold? | 2 weeks
End of Course


Visiting lecturers or company visits


The course is held in English and the material and the links will all be in English. The course will partly deal with international challanges in logistics.
The course is open also for International Business and/or Exchange Students and might offer Finnish students the opportunity to socialize with foreign students


Technology in Supply Chain Management and Logistics | Current Practice and Future
Applications, Anthony M. Pagano, Matthew Liotine

Available as an eBook on VAMK O´Reilly:

Video clips, blog articles and other links available in the Portal.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

This is an 100% online course based on task oriented learning with individual tasks, assignments and quizzes to do.
In this course we will be using the principles of task oriented learning (TOL). You will need a computer and an Internet connection to read the on-line material.
The course material is available in the Portal.
The principels for earning points: 1 hour of estimated work = 1 point, that is 3 cu x 27h = 81h = 81 points.
Everything you do in form of reading, watching video clips, doing tasks and assignments will give points.
If you aim for maximum points, you need to do all learning activities on time and according to the given instructions.


The student has actively participated in the course activities and has documented evidence on excellent knowledge. He/she is able to apply his/her knowledge and skills in practice on challanges in logistics and supply chain management as well as sharing the findings
The student has participated in the course activities and has documented evidence on good knowledge. He/she recognize the challanges and is familiar with the terminology. He/She is able to discuss matters concerning logistics and supply chain management
The student has participated in the course activities and has shown signs of satisfying knowledge. He/she knows about challanges and has a slight idea of the terminology. He/She is able to follow discussions concerning logistics and supply chain management


Weekly activities, individual taksk and assignments. The student will earn by doing the learning activities and keeping the deadlines. The following assessment methods are used in this course and the students will earn points during the course. The course will be assessed using the standard scale 0 - 5, according to the earned points as % of the maximum points




