Vaihda kieltä: English

Etusivu > Arkistoidut koulutukset > Tourism (R-TRB) > 2010 > Vuosi 2 > English for Hospitality Studies II (RBS1303)

English for Hospitality Studies II

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: RBS1303
Tyyppi: Pakollinen / Ammattiopinnot
OPS: R-TRB 2010
Taso: Restonomi (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 2 (2011-2012)
Laajuus: 2 op
Vastuuopettaja: Martin, Elina
Opetuskieli: Englanti

Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2011-2012

229.8.2011 – 30.12.2011Camilla HaraldEnglanti19.8.2011 – 4.9.2011


The student will achieve sufficient English language skills and communication skills needed for the studies and for the future career. The student is familiar with the characteristics of the different modes of communication and gets acquainted with the skills required for successful communication in professional life.

The student has a positive attitude towards improving his/her English skills and communication skills and realises that this improvement is a continuous process for which the individual himself /herself is ultimately responsible. The student has the motivation for developing the communication skills and understands the importance of having good communication skills in working life.

The student masters situations in which good skills in both oral and written communication are required.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

English of higher secondary school or Preparatory English


Writing skills: accurate and appropriate language usage in essays, reports and formal letters, special features of academic writing. Speaking skills: effective oral communication in different situations e.g. presentations, conversations and debates.


Current texts and articles, listening comprehensions/radio programmes, dictionaries.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Class meetings and individual assignments


5= Excellent skills and working habits
3 = Good skills and good working habits
1= Satisfactory skills and working habits


Active participation in class, completed oral and written exercises, review examination. Continuous process assessment. Numeric scale (0-5).
