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Front Page > Current Education > Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing (TH) > 2023 > Year 1

Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing (TH 2023)

Degree: Bachelor of Public Health
Form of Teaching: Full-Time Studies
Start: 2023-08-09
Credits: 240 cr
Duration: 4 years
Language: Finnish

Year of Study: 1 (2023-2024)

Year: 1234all
TH2023-1001Kieli- ja viestintäosaaminen8
SH00BC90Swedish for Nursing Ix2
SH00BC93Communication Skills in Social and Health Carex3
SH00BC94Health Councelling Skillsx3
XXP0001Swedish writing skillsxx
XXP0000Swedish oral skillsxx
TH2023-1002Ammatillisuuden kehittyminen8
SH00BC25Studying and Learning Skillsx2
SH00BC26Social and Heath Servicesx3
SH00BC27Client Service Competency and Cultural Diversityx3
TH2023-1003Työ- ja asiakas / potilasturvallisuus9
SH00BC28Development of Safety at Work and Patient Safetyx5
SH00BC29Basics of Pharmacotherapyx4
TH2023-1004Perheen hoitotyö ja terveyden edistäminen3
SH00BC35Population Health Promotionx3
TH2023-1005Hoitotyön teoreettiset lähtökohdat ja hoitotyön kehittäminen7
SH00BC36Nursing Science and Evidence Based Practicex4
SH00BC39Basics of Welfare Technologyx3
TH2023-1006Kliininen hoitotyö11
SH00BC48Anatomy and Physiology, pathologyx5
SH00BC42Basics of Clinical Nursingx6
SH00BD05Memory Friend Actionx4
SH00BD06Introduction at Clinical Nursing Practicex10