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Data processing (T-DB H2000G)

Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
Form of Teaching: Full-time student
Start: 2000-08-25
Credits: 210 cr
Duration: 3.5 years
Language: Swedish
TIF11000General Basic Studies46.5
TIF11100Introduction Studies3
GGG11101Studies and Information Acquisition1.5
TIF11200Entrepreneurship and Society13.5
GGG11201Public Economics1.5
GGG11203Basics of Quality Management3
GGG11204Man in the Working Community3
TIF11205Basics of Customer Relationship Marketing3
TIF11300Languages and Communication15
GGG11307Efficient Oral and Written Communication3
GGG11311Scandinavian Business Environment3
TIF11314ADP Finnish3
GGG11321Working English4.5
TIF11323Professional English4.5
GGG11331Optional Foreign Language4.5
TEF11341Le franqais des affaires4.5
TIF11400Data Processing7.5
GGG11401Basics of Data Processing1.5
GGG11402Data System Applications of Administration3
TIF11407Basics of Programming4.5
TIF1150BMathematics and Natural Science7.5
TEF11520Refresher Course on Mathematics3
TIF11501Mathematics and Logic of Information Technology1.5
TIF11502Mathematics and Business3
TIF11503Basics of Statistics1.5
TIF11506Basics of Research Project1.5
TIF12000Professional Basic Studies43.5
TIF12100Companies and Automatic Data Processing10.5
TIF12101Company Forms and Establishment1.5
TIF12102Basics of Logistics1.5
TIF12103Basics of Book-keeping and Financial Statement3
TIF12104Data Applications of a Company3
TIF12105Law and Automatic Data Processing1.5
TIF12200Hardware and Platforms9
TIF12201Hardware and Platforms3
TIF12202PC Support3
TIF12203Data Communications3
TIF12301Basics of Programming6
TIF12302Applications Development4.5
TIF12303Documentation of Software1.5
TIF12304Analysis of the User Interface1.5
TIF12307Dynamic WWW-pages3
TIF12401Systems Development21
TIF12401Information Systems and Systems Development3
TIF12402Basics of Databases3
TIF20100Planning of Datasystem6
TIF20201Macro Programming3
TIF20203Program Integration3
TIF20202Client Server Systems3
TIF21001Data Communications30
TIF21100Information Networks 15
TIF20303Operating Systems4.5
TIF20304Local Area Networks6
TIF21105Networks Data Security4.5
TIF21201Server Software and Applications 4.5
TIF21202Data Communications and Information Network6
TIF21203Information Network in a Company4.5
TIF22000Applications Development30
TIF22100Systems Planning15
TIF22101Information System Analysis3
TIF22102Data Base Planning and Administration6
TIF22103Project Management3
TIF22104Testing and Maintenance of an Information System3
TIF22200Realization of Programming15
TIF22201Implementation of Client / Server Systems6
TIF22202Object Oriented Programming6
TIF22203Data Security 3
TIF23000Specialisation Alternative of Digital Company Services30
TIF23100Graphics and Multimedia15
TIF23101Graphical Production4.5
TIF23102Web Applications4.5
TIF23103Multimedia and Internet6
TIF23200Programming and Video Technology15
TIF23201Web Programming4.5
TIF23202Producing and Editing Video Clips6
TIF232033D Graphics4.5