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Front Page > Current Education > Degree Programme in Nursing (SH) > 2024K > Deepening Expertice of Palliative Nursing (SH00BD01)

Deepening Expertice of Palliative Nursing

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SH00BD01
Curriculum: SH 2024K
Level: Bachelor of Nursing
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Välimaa, Virpi
Language of Instruction: Finnish


Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)Language
3003SH2021-34CK, SH2021-34DK, SH2021V-34K, SH2022-3A, SH2022-3B2025-01-01 – 2025-02-23Virpi VälimaaFinnish
3004SH2022-3A, SH2022-3B2025-04-01 – 2025-05-31 Finnish

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes of the Course:
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate the treatment of symptoms and pain of a patient in palliative care and to guide the patient and his / her family taking into account the individual needs, level B
- understand what total pain is and know how to apply knowledge into practice
- is able to use different indicators appropriately
- know the principles of medical and non-pharmacological treatment of palliative care
- is able to utilize a multi-professional team in palliative care
- is able to act in connection with death and after death
- is able to identify, face, guide and support patients and their relatives individually
- understands the importance of crisis and grief in the lives of people of different ages and cultures
- is familiar with the possibilities of interprofessional care in palliative care
- is able to apply the concepts of family-oriented, inclusive and meaningful
- is able to identify and anticipate changes in communication due to sickness and utilize speech support tools
- recognizes the importance of one's own attitude to death and well-being at work

Student's Workload

Work load together: 134h
- scheduled 33h, includes simulations and laboratory studies 8h
- independent studies 101h
Evaluation of learning 1h includes

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Professional basic and subject studies in nursing
Basics of pharmacotherapy
Deepening drug treatment


- Mechanisms and treatment of the most common symptoms (pain, dyspnoea, GI symptoms, ascites, mental symptoms, fatigue, cachexia, skin symptoms)
- Treatment of pain in different patient groups, medical treatment especially with opioids, non-pharmacological pain treatment
- Medicinal and non-pharmacological treatment of other symptoms
- Symptom surveys and pain indicators
- Multi-professional teamwork
- Principles of palliative sedation
- Euthanasia, death and the post-mortem holistic encounter of the palliative patient and their family, dialogue interaction and addressing difficult issues
- The role and significance of grief
- Cultural sensitivity in the face of grief and death
- Maintaining hope and relevance
- Caring presence and respectful touch as methods of help
- Forms of support (psychosocial, informative, emotional, mental, existential and spiritual and practical support)
- Interprofessional cooperation in comprehensive patient support
- Changes in patient communication, speech support and replacement communication methods and aids
- Reflecting on one's own perception of death and grief as well as life history and coping with one's own work

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Utilization of human-oriented palliative care (national online course / Palliative project) material
Research data / Palliative care

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, group work, experts, study visits

Assessment Criteria

Level 5.
The student is able to:
- critically assess the need for care and support for the patient / client / family
- plan, implement and evaluate palliative care, use individual methods and solution options in the care / guidance of the client / patient and family members
- critically apply the ethical guidelines and principles of palliative care

Level 3.
The student is able to:
- identify the need for patient and client care and support
- plan and implement patient / client care
- to guide the patient / client in matters related to palliative care
- apply and justify their actions in accordance with the ethical guidelines and principles of palliative care

Level 1.
The student is able to:
- describe the need for patient and client care and support
- develop a plan for palliative care and implement the basics
- listen to the concerns and care needs of the patients / clients / family members and provide basic instructions
- act in accordance with the ethical guidelines and principles of palliative care

Assessment Methods

Numeric evaluation 0-5

Work Placement

Simulations, laboratory 8h
