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Front Page > Archived Education > Tourism (R-MR) > 2011V > Basics of Restaurant Services (RMRP0300)

Basics of Restaurant Services

Structure Type: Study module
Code: RMRP0300
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: R-MR 2011V
Level: Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Credits: 23 cr
Responsible Teacher: Salomaa, Kirsi
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

You acquaint yourself with the basics of restaurant operations including food production and service. You master the planning, preparations and evaluation of restaurant meals and the service procedures. You know the characteristics of most common wines and strong alcoholic beverages. You know the alcohol legislation and how to adapt it in practice. You master the mathematical methods used in restaurant business. You have a conception of customer-based, economic way of thinking and you internalize the significance of hygiene from the point of view of profitability for the enterprise.
