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Front Page > Current Education > Carbon Neutral Society (HY) > 2024T

Carbon Neutral Society (HY 2024T)

Degree: Master of Business Administration
Form of Teaching: Blended Learning
Start: 2024-01-01
Credits: 90 cr
Duration: 1.5 years
Language: Finnish
Year of Study
HY2024T-1001Advanced Professional Studies25
IH00BL01Carbon Neutrality5
IH00BL02Carbon Footprint Calculation and LCA5
IH00BL03Circular Economy Project5
IH00BL04Sustainable Energy Solutions5
YY00BO07Research and Development Methods5
HY2024T-1002Optional Studies10
EV00BN53Energy System Transformation5
HY2024T-1003Master's Thesis30
OY00BO53Master’s thesis, Planning and Initiation5
OY00BO54Master’s thesis, Theory and Implementation10
OY00BO55Master’s thesis, Final Stage15
HY2024T-1004Business Management and Development25
TL00BD19Organizational Development5
TLYS1101International Marketing5
TL00BD21Energy Business5
TL00BD20Leadership and Management5
TL00BG16Lean Six Sigma5