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Etusivu > Ajankohtaiset koulutukset > Vapaasti valittavat opinnot (VAPVAL) > 2021 > Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Business (TL00BG15)

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Business

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: TL00BG15
Taso: Täydennyskoulutus yms.
Laajuus: 3 op
Vastuuopettaja: Lotchi, Kodjovi
Opetuskieli: Englanti


3001IBM2021-1Y, YHT-CO-21S27.8.2021 – 10.12.2021Kodjovi LotchiEnglanti1.8.2021 – 5.9.2021
3002 4.5.2022 – 27.6.2022Kodjovi LotchiEnglanti14.3.2022 – 28.4.2022
3003IBM2022-1Y26.8.2022 – 9.12.2022Kodjovi LotchiEnglanti31.7.2022 – 4.9.2022


Understand the concept of Artificial Intelligence and all related topics such as Big Data, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
Learn to describe all the key AI technologies and how they are currently being applied in business.
Learn the concepts on how to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) to business processes in order to manage workflows, optimize operations, and predict trends.
Improve your ability to reach out to customers by using social media and other means of marketing communication
Deepen your understanding of business-to-business marketing, especially the need to change focus from goods production and distribution to long-term value creation and relationships trough sales.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

10 hours of Contact teaching and 71 hours of self-studies and assignments


Knowledge about Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Science.
Understand how Artificial Intelligence can help to optimize business processes, minimize costs and maximize profits.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence Technologies.
Artificial Intelligence implementation


Get a clear and practical view on AI and Big Data and how they can benefit contemporary businesses


Slides and Articles provided by the teacher
Artificial intelligence and machine learning for business for non-engineers (Book) Groom, Frank M., toimittaja ; Jones, Stephan S., toimittaja ; Ciuffo, Joe, kirjoittajaCRC Press [2020]
Artificial Intelligence for Business (eBook) Anderson, Jason L. Wiley 2020

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Online multimodal studies
Online lectures
Flipped Learning

10 hrs of Lecture and 71 hours of Self studies and assignments
