Vaihda kieltä: English

Etusivu > Opintohaku > Entrepreneurship (TIP0204A) > 2023-2024


Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: TIP0204A
OPS: IB 2023
Taso: Tradenomi (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 1 (2023-2024)
Lukukausi: Syksy
Laajuus: 3 op
Vastuuopettaja: Smeds, Peter
Opetuskieli: Englanti

Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2023-2024

3007IB2023-1A, IB2023AutumnEX21.8.2023 – 22.10.2023Peter SmedsEnglanti1.8.2023 – 6.9.2023
3008IB2023-1B, IB2023SpringEX1.1.2024 – 3.3.2024Peter SmedsEnglanti7.12.2023 – 8.1.2024


The aim of entrepreneurial studies is to promote students to understand entrepreneurship as a one career option and as a mindset. The student will get familiar with general tools and concepts for setting up a business. After the course students are:
-familiar with some creative tools for setting up an business, business concept creation.
-able to devise a basic business concept.
-able to understand entrepreneurial mindset and behavior

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Total work load of the course: 81 h
-of which scheduled studies 33 h
-of which autonomous studies: 48 h
The assesment of student's own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

No prerequisites


Entrepreneur and enterprise environment, qualities of an entrepreneur, incentives of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship as a career and occupation, intrapreneurship, business idea, business plan, instruments of entrepreneurial decision making.


Read, S., Sarasvathy, S., Dew, N., Wiltbank, R. & Ohlsson A-V. Second Edition (2017). Effectual Entrepreneurship. Routledge. London

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Lectures, individual and group assignments, discussions, individual studies and presentations.


5: The student utilises theories, concepts and methods consistently in various situations and assess the sources used.

3: Utilises essential concepts in single situations and assignments and understands the theories on which the assignments are based. (S)he takes into account the responsibilities and obligations connected with the utilisation of information (e.g. copyrights and plagiarism).

1:Recognises and understands the essential theories, principles and methods. (S)he- makes a difference between common knowledge and research knowledge


Numerical (0-5). Active particiption, individual and group assignments (50%), exam (50%).
