Vaihda kieltä: English

Etusivu > Arkistoidut koulutukset > Tourism (R-TRB) > 2012 > Vuosi 2 > French 2 (B1) (RTBP0438)

French 2 (B1)

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: RTBP0438
Tyyppi: Pakollinen valinnainen (vaihtoehtoinen) / Perusopinnot
OPS: R-TRB 2012
Taso: Restonomi (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 2 (2013-2014)
Laajuus: 4 op
Vastuuopettaja: Piltti, Ulla
Opetuskieli: Englanti

Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2013-2014

12.9.2013 – 20.12.2013Ulla PilttiEnglanti16.8.2013 – 13.9.2013


The course prepares the students to communicate in French in their working life. The students will achieve such proficiency in oral and written French as required in accommodation and catering business.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

French level A2 or upper secondary school level


Customer service situations in accommodation and catering business, Finland as a tourist attraction.


Material supplied by the teacher.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Oral and written exercises based on the course material, pairwork, assignments.


Grade 1: The student knows the basic terminology of the field and has a satisfactory command of the language both orally and in writing. S/he understands the main points of texts in the field.
Grade 3: The student has a good oral and written command of the language and s/he can apply her/his skills in working life situations. S/he understands texts in the field.
Grade 5: The student has an excellent oral and written command of the language, s/he communicates fluently and can apply her/his skills in a versatile manner. S/he understands texts in the field without difficulty.


Active class participation, completed assignments, oral and written examinations. Numeric scale (0-5).
