Vaihda kieltä: English

Etusivu > Arkistoidut koulutukset > Tourism (R-TRB) > 2012 > Vuosi 2 > French 1 (A1) (RTBP0437)

French 1 (A1)

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: RTBP0437
Tyyppi: Pakollinen valinnainen (vaihtoehtoinen) / Perusopinnot
OPS: R-TRB 2012
Taso: Restonomi (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 2 (2013-2014)
Laajuus: 4 op
Vastuuopettaja: Piltti, Ulla
Opetuskieli: Englanti

Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2013-2014

12.9.2013 – 20.12.2013Ulla PilttiEnglanti16.8.2013 – 13.9.2013


The students will learn the basic structures and vocabulary of the French language with emphasis on the French used in accommodation and catering business. They will be able to carry out basic routine business tasks in French both orally and in writing.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

No previous studies


Pronunciation, basic vocabulary and grammatical structures, everyday situations, travelling, working life situations.


Martikainen, T. - Mäkelä, M. 2008. Parfait! 1. Ranskaa aikuisille. Keuruu. Otava

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Oral and written exercises based on the course material, pairwork, assignments.


Grade 1: The student has a satisfactory command of the language both orally and in writing
Grade 3: The student has a good command of the language both orally and in writng and s/he can apply her/his skills in practice
Grade 5: The student has an excellent command of the language both orally and in writing and s/he can apply her/his skills in a versatile manner


Active class participation, completed assignments, oral and written examinations. Numeric scale (0-5).
