Rakennetyyppi: | Tutkinnon rakenne |
Koodi: | RBO0000 |
Tyyppi: | Pakollinen / Opinnäytetyö |
OPS: | R-HB 2007 |
Taso: | Restonomi (AMK) |
Laajuus: | 15 op |
Vastuuopettaja: | Peltola, Mikko |
Opetuskieli: | Englanti |
The thesis is an independent research project which aims to encourage the student to theoretical thinking, application of appropriate research methods and references, systematic work, written and oral presentations and to the development of one’s own work and field. The objective of the thesis is to integrate theoretical studies with practical working life. With the thesis, the student demonstrates that s/he is able to act in specialist and supervisory tasks in the future profession.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Total work load of the course is 405 h including autonomous studies, guidance, presentations and maturity test.
The thesis starts with choosing the topic, which is discussed with the supervisor and with the possible representative of the client. The student implements the thesis after the approval of the thesis plan. The thesis includes the theoretical frame of reference based on previous studies and other relevant literature. The thesis also includes the empirical (practical) part, which aims at finding a solution to the research problem. The empirical part can be implemented for instance by doing a survey, interviews, observations or by some other method which creates added value for the possible representative of the client.
The thesis process includes the starting seminar, interim seminar, presentation seminar and maturity test.
Relevant literature related to the subject and previous research.
Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät
Self-study with the guidance of thesis supervisor and the possible representative of the working life.
1 The thesis as a whole is very brief and of poor quality, theory is only loosely tied with the practical part and the objectives have not been fully attained.
3 Working has been active, the thesis includes theoretical and empirical part and the objectives have been attained.
5 Working has been very active, the theoretical and empirical part are clearly integrated, the objectives have been attained commendably and includes new, practically suitable knowledge of the subject.
Numerical 1-5