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Etusivu > Arkistoidut koulutukset > Hotel and Restaurant Business (R-HB) > 2006 > Vuosi 2 > Tourism Products (RBS1102)

Tourism Products

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: RBS1102
Tyyppi: Pakollinen valinnainen (vaihtoehtoinen) / Perusopinnot
OPS: R-HB 2006
Taso: Restonomi (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 2 (2007-2008)
Laajuus: 3 op
Vastuuopettaja: Salomaa, Kirsi
Opetuskieli: Englanti

Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2007-2008

227.8.2007 – 21.12.2007Peter SmedsEnglanti17.8.2007 – 7.9.2007


The student can analyse the features of tourism products.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Total work load of the course: 81 h
- of which scheduled studies 40 h
- of which indipendent studies 26 h
- of which group work 15 h

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

No prerequisites


Getting familiar with various product groups, networking in tourism, the importance of quality in tourism, rural tourism products, conference tourism products, event tourism products, corporate tourism products such as incentive travelling.


- Stephen J. Page & Joanne Connell (2006) Tourism. A modern synthesis. Thomson.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Conceptualization of a general view, interactive questioning, interactive lecture, study discussion, exercises and computer-based learning.


Grade 5
The student identifies critical factors of tourism businesses and is able to sugest innovative and motivated development efforts.
Grade 3
The student understands the success factors of a tourist product and is able to use different analyzing methods to develop the product.
Grade 1
The student is able to recognize the terms for a successful tourist product and understand the importance of networking.


Numeric scale is used (0-5). Active participation, group work and individual exercises, written report and presentation of a tourism product.
