Strategic Logistics Management
Rakennetyyppi: | Opintokokonaisuus |
Koodi: | LT2022-1071 |
OPS: | LT 2022 |
Taso: | Tradenomi (AMK) |
Laajuus: | 15 op |
Vastuuopettaja: | Skjäl, Heidi |
Strategic logistics management module aims to give an in-depth overview of companies supply chains and transport management in international context.To manage these supply chains efficiently, companies need to formulate a strategic, holistic view on their supply chains and transport logistics, as well as an understanding of the specific operations of procurement, production and resource planning through integrated business processes. Courses: International Supply Chain Management (5cr)Integrated Business Processes (SAP) (4cr)Production Management (3cr) Procurement Management (3 cr)