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Etusivu > Opintohaku > Real-time Operating Systems (IT00BL27)

Real-time Operating Systems

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: IT00BL27
OPS: IT 2022 / 2023 / 2024
Taso: Insinööri (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 3 (2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027)
Lukukausi: Kevät
Laajuus: 5 op
Vastuuopettaja: Matila, Jukka
Opetuskieli: Englanti


3001IT2022-3, IT2022-3B7.1.2025 – 30.4.2025Jukka MatilaSuomi1.12.2024 – 13.1.2025

Alla oleva kuvaus koskee lukuvuotta: 2024-2025


After the course, the student is familiar with the programming principles related to the use of real-time operating systems and knows how to make programs for real-time operating systems.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

135 h, of which 50 hours of scheduled contact teaching.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

Microcontroller Laboratory Excecises.


Basics of real-time operating systems, scheduling methods, event management, programming in real-time operating systems using the MicroC-OS II environment.


Jean J. Labrosse: McroC/OS-II: The Real-Time Kernel. Material provided by the teacher.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Exercises in computer class. In addition to rehearsals, short lectures.


Grade 5: The student is able to produce a multitasking program operating independently in the embedded system.
Grade 3: The student is able to produce a multitasking program that works in a uCOS environment.
Grade 1: The student understands the basics of real-time operating systems.


Programming exercises 50 %, mini quizzes 30 % and a final examination 20 %.
