Energy Technology ICT
Rakennetyyppi: | Opintojakso |
Koodi: | IITB9005 |
OPS: | IT 2023 |
Taso: | Insinööri (AMK) |
Opiskeluvuosi: | 3 (2025-2026) |
Lukukausi: | Syksy |
Laajuus: | 5 op |
Vastuuopettaja: | Menani, Smail |
Opetuskieli: | Englanti |
Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2025-2026
Tot. | Ryhmä(t) | Opiskeluaika | Opettaja(t) | Kieli | Ilmoittautuminen |
3007 | IT2023-2, IT2023-A, IT2023-B | 1.8.2025 – 31.12.2025 | Jari Koski, Smail Menani | Englanti | 3.6.2025 – 5.9.2025 |
Suoritus ennakkoon? Katso toteutukset lukuvuonna 2024-2025.
The student will understand the technology of electrical power systems and the concept of Smart Grid, as well as the principles and communication methods of IT devices used in electrical distribution, protection and control.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h, which contains 50 h of scheduled contact studies.
The assessment of student’s own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.
Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot
Digital Electronics, Local Area Networks, Follow-up Course in Technical Physics
Overview and Structure of Power System, Power Plants, Substation Automation and Energy Distribution Technologies. Energy Efficiency and Storage technologies, Power System Protection. Communication protocols used in power system. Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) used in the energy systems, Basic principles of the standard IEC61850. The concept of Smart Grid and the new services, which are made possible by smart grids. Possible future innovation in the energy technology system.
Material produced by the teacher.
Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät
Lectures. Invited Guest Lecturer from the local energy industry. Assignments and task oriented learning. Laboratory exercises. Maximum 12 students/teacher at a time in the laboratory.
Grade 5: The student can creatively combine different methods used in course.
Grade 3: The student can independently utilize the methods discussed on the course.
Grade 1: The student can utilize the methods used in the coursre, when assisted.
Assignments, a project work, laboratory exercises and an examination.