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Etusivu > Ajankohtaiset koulutukset > Information Technology (IT) > 2021 > Vuosi 1 > C Programming (IITB8001)

C Programming

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: IITB8001
OPS: IT 2021
Taso: Insinööri (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 1 (2021-2022)
Lukukausi: Kevät
Laajuus: 4 op
Vastuuopettaja: Gao, Chao
Opetuskieli: Englanti

Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2021-2022

3002IT2021-1A, IT2021-1B, IT2021-1C, IT2021-1D3.1.2022 – 27.2.2022Mikael JakasEnglanti1.12.2021 – 10.1.2022


After the course, the student is familiar with the variable types and data structures of the C language. She masters the control structures and basics of C software using functions. The student is able to use the standard C language libraries.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

108 h, which contains 56 h of scheduled contact studies.
The assessment of student’s own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

Introduction to Programming.


Properties and specialties of the C language (characters, numbers, strings, arrays and control structures). Implementation of the user's own functions, how to use library functions, structs. How to use function parameters, pointers, file I/O, write and read operations and standard streams. Compilation process in detail.


Material on the course Moodle- site. Help on Visual Studio.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Evaluated assignments with short lectures in a PC classroom.


Grade 5: The student can find out the library functions supplied by the development environment and she can apply these fluently to programming tasks, which are suitable for the C language.
Grade 3: The student understands the importance of functions and she can write them. She is able to utilize basic library functions is programming.
Grade 1: The student can use the basic structures of the C language.


Assignments 50 % and an examination 50 %.
