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Etusivu > Ajankohtaiset koulutukset > Information Technology (IT) > 2018 > Vuosi 3 > Swedish as the Second Official Language (Fin.) (IITB2003B)

Swedish as the Second Official Language (Fin.)

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: IITB2003B
Tyyppi: Pakollinen / Perusopinnot
OPS: IT 2018
Taso: Insinööri (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 3 (2020-2021)
Lukukausi: Kevät
Laajuus: 5 op
Vastuuopettaja: Mäkinen, Seppo
Opetuskieli: Englanti


The student will attain writing and speaking skills in Swedish language required in one’s profession, as stipulated by The Language Decree 6.6.2003/424 . The student can communicate in writing and orally in working life communication situations. Target level CEFR B1.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

135 h, of which 70 h scheduled.
The assessment of student’s own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

Secondary education syllabus.


Speaking and writing skills needed in working life, exercises in various communication situations in working life and interaction skills. Texts and vocabulary pertaining to engineering.


Material compiled by the teacher.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Speaking and writing skills.


Grade in scale 1-5 /fail, as well as a grade in satisfactory (1-3) and good /4-5)/fail for speaking and writing skills, in accordance with the Language Decree on the second official language.
Grade 5: The student can communicate fluently and use an appropriate style in challenging communication situations in working life. S/he can communicate actively and can apply the language learnt during the course in a variety of ways. The student understands and produces speech and writing that is challenging contents wise. The student can use Swedish language correctly and mostly without mistakes.
Grade 3: The student manages fairly well in speaking and writing situations in working life and in other ever day life. The student can write a unified text contents wise. S/he understands speech spoken in normal tempo but unfamiliar topics produce difficulties.
Grade 1: The student can communicate so that s/he is understood in simple and routine communication situations in working life and other situations. The student understands the essential parts of a text and speech if the topic is familiar.


Written examinations and presentations, interviews, an oral examination. Attendance requirement 80 %, active participation in activities required.
