Communication Skills
Rakennetyyppi: | Opintojakso |
Koodi: | IITP0104 |
Tyyppi: | Pakollinen / Perusopinnot |
OPS: | IT 2015 |
Taso: | Insinööri (AMK) |
Opiskeluvuosi: | 2 (2016-2017) |
Laajuus: | 2 op |
Vastuuopettaja: | Kiikkala, Sanna-Liisa |
Opetuskieli: | Englanti |
Toteutukset lukuvuonna 2016-2017
Tot. | Ryhmä(t) | Opiskeluaika | Opettaja(t) | Kieli | Ilmoittautuminen |
7 | I-IT-2N | 1.9.2016 – 30.10.2016 | Camilla Harald | Englanti | 22.8.2016 – 19.9.2016 |
The student will acquire sufficient language skills, effective study skills and cultural diversity awareness needed in student and working life environment.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Total work load of the course: 54 h
- of which scheduled studies: 28 h
- of which autonomous studies: 26h
Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot
Upper Secondary School English.
Writing and reading skills, e.g. essay and report writing, link words, phrases, idiomatic expressions, specific terms, drawing up summaries and improving accuracy in writing. Speaking and listening skills in multicultural contexts, e.g. fluent interactive use of the English language, different Englishes and communication skills at giving unprepared and pre-prepared presentations and providing feedback. Effective reading techniques and active listening skills.
Materials as on the course web site.
Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät
Teamwork in contact sessions, home assignments and individual studies.
Grade 5: The student has an excellent command of the language both orally and in writing and the student can apply the attained skills and knowledge in a versatile manner.
Grade 3: The student has a good command of the language both orally and in writng and the student can apply the skills in practice.
Grade 1: The student has a satisfactory command of the language both orally and in writing.
Activities in contact teaching and assignments and team work, continuous assessment and traditional examination.