| | |
Koodi | Nimi | OP |
ITT11000 | Yleiset perusopinnot | |
ITT11100 | Perehdyttävät opinnot | |
CCC11101 | Studies and Information Acquisition | 1,5 |
CCC11102 | Ethics | 1,5 |
ITT11200 | Yhteiskunta ja yritystoiminta | |
CCC11201 | Public Economy | 1,5 |
CCC11202 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ICC11201 | Basics of Business Administration | 3 |
CCC11203 | Basics of Quality Management | 3 |
CCC11204 | Man in the Working Community | 3 |
ITT11300 | Kielet ja viestintä | |
CCC11301 | Finnish for Foreigners 1 | 3 |
CCC11311 | Kommunikation inom arbetslivet | 3 |
ICC11311 | Tillämpningar av fackspråket | 3 |
CCC11321 | Working English | 4,5 |
CCC11322 | Communication Skills | 4,5 |
ICC11321 | Professional English | 4,5 |
CCC11331 | Optional Foreign Language | 3 |
ITT11400 | Tietojenkäsittely | |
CCC11401 | Basics of Data Processing | 1,5 |
ICC11401 | Basics of Programming | 3 |
CCC11402 | Basics of the Internet | 3 |
ITT11500 | Matematiikka | |
ICC11510 | Algebra and Geometry | 3 |
ICC11503 | Analytic Geometry and Linear Algebra | 3 |
ICC11504 | Differential Calculus | 3 |
ICC11505 | Basics of Mathematical Software | 1,5 |
ICC11506 | Integral Calculus | 3 |
ICC11511 | Series and Multivariable Analysis | 3 |
ICC11509 | Statistics and Probability Theory | 1,5 |
ITT11600 | Luonnontieteet | |
ICC11605 | Mechanics and Electricity | 4,5 |
ICC11603 | States of Matter | 3 |
ICC11604 | Wave Motion and Atomic Physics | 3 |
ICC11610 | Laboratory Exercises of Basic Physics | 1,5 |
ICC11611 | Laboratory Exercises of Modern Physics | 1,5 |
ICC11609 | Chemistry and Environment | 3 |
ITT12000 | Ammatilliset perusopinnot | |
ITT12100 | Suunnittelumenetelmät | |
IEC12102 | Electrical Safety | 1,5 |
IEI12102 | Computer Aided Design of Electronics | 3 |
IEC12103 | Product Development and Production Engineering | 3 |
IEI12107 | Computer Aided Mechanical Design | 1,5 |
IEI12106 | C-Programming | 3 |
ITT12200 | Teoreettinen sähkötekniikka | |
IEI12202 | Circuit Analysis | 3 |
IEC12204 | Transient and Frequency Analysis | 3 |
ITT12300 | Automaatio- ja sähkövoimatekniikka | |
IEC12301 | Basics of Automation Engineering | 3 |
IEI12301 | Robotics | 3 |
ITT12400 | Elektroniikka ja tietokonetekniikka | |
IIT12407 | Basic of Electronic Circuits | 1,5 |
IEC12402 | Electronics Laboratory Exercises | 1,5 |
IIT12408 | Basic of Digital Electronics | 1,5 |
IIT12409 | Digital Systems | 1,5 |
IIT12404 | Computer Engineering Laboratory Exercises | 1,5 |
IEI12401 | Basics of Operating Systems | 3 |
IEI12402 | Microcomputers | 3 |
IEC12405 | Basics of Telecommunications | 3 |