| | |
Koodi | Nimi | OP |
IDB11000 | General Basic Studies | |
IDB11100 | Perehdyttävät opinnot | 3 |
CCC11101J | Studies and Study Skills | 1,5 |
CCC11102 | Ethics | 1,5 |
IDB11300 | Kielet ja viestintä | 13,5 |
CCC11322 | Communication Skills | 3 |
ICC11321 | Professional English | 4,5 |
CCC11330 | 2nd Foreign Language | 3 |
ICC11311 | Tillämpningar av fackspråket | 3 |
CCC11301J | Suomea ulkomaalaisille | 3 |
IDB11500 | Matematiikka | 9 |
IDB11501 | Mathematical Modelling | 3 |
ICC11505 | Basics of Mathematical Software | 1,5 |
ICC11509 | Statistics and Probability Theory | 1,5 |
IDB11502 | Descriptive Geometry | 1,5 |
IDB11503 | Axonometry and Perspectives | 1,5 |
IDB11600 | Luonnontieteet | 10,5 |
IDB11601 | General Physics | 3 |
IDB11602 | Practical Physics | 4,5 |
ICC11609 | Chemistry and Environment | 3 |
IDB11400 | Tietojenkäsittely | 7,5 |
CCC11401 | Basics of Data Processing | 1,5 |
ICC11401 | Basics of Programming | 3 |
ICC11402 | Computer Networks | 3 |
IBE11200 | Society and Entrepreneurship | 15 |
CCC11201 | Public Economy | 1,5 |
CCC11202 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ICC11201 | Basics of Business Administration | 3 |
ICC11202 | Leadership and Project Management | 4,5 |
CCC11203 | Basics of Quality Management | 3 |
IDB12000 | Professional Basic Studies | |
IDB12100 | Contextual Design | 15 |
IDB12101 | History of Architecture | 6 |
IDB12102 | History of Visual Arts | 3 |
IDB12103 | Visualisation | 1,5 |
IDB12104 | Integrated Design | 3 |
IBE12103 | Product Development | 1,5 |
IDB12200 | Architectural Design | 15 |
IDB12201 | Theory of Architecture | 3 |
IDB12203 | Fundamental Architecture | 3 |
IDB12202 | Architectural Elements | 3 |
IDB12204 | Fundamental Architecture | 3 |
IDB12205 | Tietokoneavusteinen suunnittelu | 3 |
IDB12300 | Building Design | 18 |
IDB12301 | Functional Design | 4,5 |
IDB12302 | Architectural Surroundings | 4,5 |
IDB12303 | Building Construction | 4,5 |
IDB12304 | Structural Mechanics | 3 |
IDB12305 | Structural Engineering | 1,5 |
IDB12400 | Environmental Design | 13,5 |
IDB12401 | Urban and Regional Planning | 3 |
IDB12402 | Infrastructures | 3 |
IDB12403 | Basics of Building Economics | 4,5 |
IDB12405J | Heating, Plumbing and Air Conditioning | 1,5 |
IDB12404 | Electrical Engineering | 1,5 |
IDB21000 | Spealisation Alternative of Dwelling | |
IDB21100 | Housing | |
IDB21101 | Housing Design | 7,5 |
IDB21102 | Sustainable Buildings | 3 |
IDB21103 | Housing Constructions | 4,5 |
IDB21200 | Renovation | |
IDB21201 | Renovation Design | 7,5 |
IDB21202 | Structures of Renovation | 3 |
IDB21203 | Renovation Project Economics | 4,5 |
IDB22000 | Specialisation Alternative of Public Buildings | |
IDB22100 | Public Building Design | |
IDB22101 | Contemporary Public Buildings | 7,5 |
IDB22102 | Theory of Building Design | 3 |
IDB22103 | Planning Documents | 4,5 |
IDB22200 | Projektitoiminta | |
IDB23201 | Hankkeen rakennuttaminen | 4,5 |
IBE23202J | Project Cost Planning | 4,5 |
IBE23302 | Environmental Economics | 3 |
IDB22201 | Operatiivinen laskentatoimi | 3 |
IDB23000 | Specialisation Alternative of Cultural Environment | |
IDB23100 | Built Environment | |
IDB23101 | Architectural Environment | 6 |
IDB23102 | Public Areas | 4,5 |
IDB23103 | Landscape Design | 4,5 |
IDB23200 | Ympäristötekniikka | |
IBE22101 | Vesitekniikka | 6 |
IBE22102 | Jäte- ja ilmansuojelutekniikka | 3 |
IBE22103 | Ympäristönsuojelun kokonaisuus | 3 |
IBE22104 | Ympäristötekniikan laboraatiot | 3 |
IDB25000 | Separate Professional Modules | |
IDB25100 | Computer Aided Indutrial Design | |
IDB24201J | Teollisen muotoilun teoria | 4,5 |
IDB24202 | Objektisuunnittelu | 3 |
IDB24203 | Teolliset menetelmät | 7,5 |
IDB29100 | Opinnäytekansio | |
IYY31014 | Italian perusteet | 3 |
IYY31015 | Italia 2 | 3 |
IYY31016 | Italia 3 | 3 |
IYY32043 | Matematical Programs | 6 |
IYY32044 | Renaissance Geometries | 6 |
IYY32048 | Valokuvauksen peruskurssi | 4,5 |
IYY32045 | Concepts of 3-D Visualisation | 6 |
IYY32046 | Workshop Intensive Townscape | 6 |