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Finnish 2

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: IT00BP85
OPS: ETE 2025
Taso: Insinööri (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 2 (2026)
Lukukausi: Kevät
Laajuus: 5 op
Vastuuopettaja: Isohella, Suvi
Opetuskieli: Englanti

Toteutukset vuonna 2026

3001IT2024-1, IT2024-A, IT2024-B, IT2024-C1.1.2026 – 31.7.2026Suomi1.12.2025 – 11.1.2026


After completing the course, the student understands the basics of Finnish language structure, including past tense verbs, sentence structure, noun conjugation, the passive form of verbs, the imperative, and time expressions. They can communicate in everyday situations, express opinions and feelings, and recognize their role as an active language learner.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

Finnish 1. The student should review the course content of Finnish 1 before starting course 2.


Past tense verbs, sentence structure, noun conjugation, the passive form of verbs, the imperative, and time expressions. Vocabulary related to everyday situations, opinions, and feelings. Typical features of Finnish communication culture and methods for self-study.


Uudistettu Suomen mestari 2 (2022).
ISBN/GTIN: 978-951-1-41418-6

YKIä kohti (2024).
ISBN/GTIN: 978-951-1-37650-7

Material provided by the teacher, online material.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Oral and written exercises individually and in pairs, group work, and tests.
Homework and preparation for lessons.


Grade 5: The student knows the vocabulary learned during the course. They can use simple sentences with hardly any mistakes. They manage independently and fluently in everyday situations. They understand speech at normal speed and the content of written texts, and they can write understandable texts, which may contain minor mistakes. The pronunciation is reasonably close to that of a native speaker.

Grade 3: The student knows most of the vocabulary learned during the course. They are able to construct simple sentences with occasional mistakes. They can navigate most everyday situations independently, and their errors do not hinder understanding. They comprehend the majority of normal-speed speech and written texts. They can produce mostly clear written texts, albeit with some errors. Their pronunciation is generally clear and understandable.

Grade 1: The student has acquired some of the vocabulary covered during the course. They can form simple sentences, but errors may hinder understanding. They are able to communicate in certain everyday situations with assistance. They can partially understand slow and clearly articulated speech and recognize the general topic of written texts, identifying some words and expressions. The student can write short and simple texts, although errors often interfere with comprehension. Their pronunciation is strongly influenced by other languages.


Active participation in the classroom, passed exercises, and a spoken exam. Numerical (0-5).
