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Etusivu > Ajankohtaiset koulutukset > Energy Technology (ETE) > 2024 > Vuosi 3 > Research Communication (ET00BN18)

Research Communication

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: ET00BN18
OPS: ETE 2024
Taso: Insinööri (AMK)
Opiskeluvuosi: 3 (2026)
Lukukausi: Syksy
Laajuus: 2 op
Vastuuopettaja: Niemelä, Riitta
Opetuskieli: Englanti


The student understands texts related to engineering and working life and knows the most important vocabulary. The student can write technical texts and documents, and communicate research results. The student recognises the various registers of language, can write appropriate texts and can discuss various topics within engineering and working life.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

54 h, which contains scheduled contact studies and independent work.

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

Senior secondary school or vocational school syllabus.


Technical texts and vocabulary within the student’s field of engineering, writing various texts in the field of engineering (e.g. manuals, instructions, reports, process descriptions, abstracts), speaking exercises.

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

Writing and speaking exercises, text exercises.


Regular and active participation, an examination, approved completion of assignments.
