Components of an Energy Facility
Rakennetyyppi: | Opintojakso |
Koodi: | ET00BN29 |
OPS: | ETE 2023 |
Taso: | Insinööri (AMK) |
Opiskeluvuosi: | 2 (2024) |
Lukukausi: | Kevät |
Laajuus: | 5 op |
Vastuuopettaja: | Saari, Petri |
Opetuskieli: | Englanti |
Toteutukset vuonna 2024
Tot. | Ryhmä(t) | Opiskeluaika | Opettaja(t) | Kieli | Ilmoittautuminen |
3001 | ETE2023-2A, ETE2023-2B, ETE2023-2C, ETE2023-2D | 8.1.2024 – 30.4.2024 | Petri Saari | Englanti | 1.12.2023 – 12.1.2024 |
Suoritus rästissä? Katso toteutukset lukuvuonna 2024-2025.
After completing the course, the student knows the function and operating principles of the various components of energy production plants.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h including appr. 45 h of scheduled contact teaching and appr. 90 h of independent study.
Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot
Energy engineering processes, Renewable energy, Analytic geometry and linear algebra
Mechanical components of different types of power plants.
The course does not have course books. Study material is constantly updated. The course material is given in lectures and on Moodle.
Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät
Lectures, independently executed exercises and group work. The course includes four laboratory exercises in small groups at Technobothnia in Energy Technology premises.
40% of the grade consists of assignments and 60% of the exam.
Assignments and exam, participation in laboratory classes.