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Etusivu > Ajankohtaiset koulutukset > Avoin kurssitarjonta (AVOIN) > 2020 > Global Project Management (CS00BB36)

Global Project Management

Rakennetyyppi: Opintojakso
Koodi: CS00BB36
Taso: Täydennyskoulutus yms.
Laajuus: 4 op
Vastuuopettaja: Norrgård, Kenneth
Opetuskieli: Englanti


3001AvansMinor20, IB2018-3B, IB2020Spring11.1.2021 – 2.5.2021Jan Coppens, Kenneth Norrgård, Koen van de Sande, Niels Willemsen, Peter Smeds, Rene Klep, Pieter Schep, Thomas SabelEnglanti1.9.2020 – 30.11.2020
3002CSBS2021S, IB2019-3A23.8.2021 – 1.5.2022Jan Coppens, Kenneth Norrgård, Koen van de Sande, Niels Willemsen, Peter Smeds, Rene Klep, Pieter Schep, Thomas SabelEnglanti 


During the course, you will:

• learn about global project management and have got the tools for working virtually
• learn how to communicate with your team members and learn how to get things done even if the team is remote
• learn the concepts of project management based on international standards used by large global companies
• gain new skills in project management which will be useful in your future career
• make friends with persons from the collaborating Universities, which might prove to be valuable in the future

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 ECTS = 135 hours of study load.
Individual Learning Activities on w weekly basis: 69 h
Team work and Team Assignments: 66 h

Edeltävät opinnot / Suositellut valinnaiset opinnot

Some credits in Business or International Business Studies are preferable


Here is the structure of the course
Part 0: Getting started
Part 1: Initiation: Understanding virtual teams | 3 weeks
Part 2: Planning: Planning virtual teams; Project planning | 3 weeks
Part 3: Executing, Monitoring and Controlling: Managing the Execution | 3 weeks
Part 4: Executing, Monitoring and Controlling: Organizational Considerations | 3 weeks
Part 5: Reporting & Closing Project: Role of Technology; Sustaining Virtual Project Success | 3 weeks


The team assignment will be a research which might have regional impact


The course is in English and the students will work in remote teams with students from other parts of Europe or Finland


Course Book
Russ J. Martinelli, Tim J. Rahschulte, and James M. Waddell (2017)
Projects Without Boundaries: Successfully Leading Teams and Managing Projects in a Virtual World
PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated PRINT PUB DATE: 2017-04-10
ISBN 9781119142546 (Paperback)
ISBN 9781119376491 (ePDF)
ISBN 9781119376408 (ePub)
eBook available on the eBook Central at VAMK

Other references
Project Management Institute, Inc. (2013)
Published by Project Management Institute, Inc., Pennsylvania, USA
ISBN: 978-1-935589-67-9

Sources from the homepage of

Other learning sources:
Internet links to current Project Management sources in form of articles or video clips will be given by the lecturer in the learning environment

Opetusmuoto / Opetusmenetelmät

This is an 100% online course


The assessment will be done on the basis of earned points.
Weekly assignments, self tests, reflections, team assignments. The approach of Task Oriented Learning is used. All study performances will give points and the students are expected to work and perform during the whole course.

Grade Obtained percentage of maximum points
5 > 94%
4 85% - 94%
3 75% - 84%
2 65% - 74%
1 55% - 64%
0 < 55%


Students complete the course by completing the learning tasks available in the learning environment. Pedagogically the implementation of the course uses Task-Oriented Learning. The assessment method builds on taking into account the ambition of the student and rewarding him/her for work done. The assessment criteria are dependent on earned points. You need to earn at least 54% of the total points for you to get the credits for this course. There are both individual tasks and team tasks.




This course is part of the Minor Program "Creating Sustainable Business Solutions", a collaboration between VAMK and Avans Hogeschool. For the group of students taking the Minor this course will support the "Project Assignment". The team building will be part of this course and you will also get the tools for the team assignments.

The course is also open for Campus Online students and VAMK Open UAS students. This group will team up with each other and will get a team assignment to work on in this course.
So, the team assignment will differ, but otherwise the content is the same for both groups.
