Bachelor’s or Equivalent Level (ISCED level 6 / ECTS first cycle)
Bachelor of Business Administration
- Business Economics (LT) (Finnish)
- Business Information Technology (TK) (Finnish)
- International Business (IB) (English)
Bachelor of Engineering
- Electrical Engineering (ST) (Finnish)
- Energy Technology (ET) (Finnish)
- Energy Technology (ETE) (English)
- Energy and Environmental Technology (EY) (Finnish, English)
- Environmental Technology (YT) (Finnish)
- Information Technology (IT) (English)
- Information Technology (TT) (Finnish)
- Mechanical and Production Engineering (KT) (Finnish, English)
- Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikan koulutus (SAT) (Finnish)
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Public Health / Bachelor of Social Services
- Degree Programme in Nursing (SH) (Finnish)
- Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing (TH) (Finnish)
- Degree Programme in Social Services (SA) (Finnish)
Master’s or Equivalent Level (ISCED level 7 / ECTS second cycle)
Master of Business Administration
- International Business Management (IBM) (English)
Master of Engineering
- Carbon Neutral Society (HY) (Finnish)
- Cloud-Based Software Engineering (CSE) (English)
- Digitalisation Development and Management (IDKJ) (Finnish)
- Energiamurroksen johtaminen (ENM) (Finnish)
- Innovaatiotoiminnan johtaminen (INN) (Finnish)
- Kehittyneet sähköenergiajärjestelmät (ylempi AMK) (KSE) (Finnish)
- Project Management (IPM) (English)
Master of Health Care / Master of Social Services
Other Education (ISCED level 9)
Complementary Education (e.g. Elective Course Offerings)
Specialisation Education