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Front Page > Current Education > Information Technology (TT) > 2022 > Year 3 > Guidance to Thesis Writing (TT00BI60)

Guidance to Thesis Writing

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TT00BI60
Curriculum: TT 2022
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 3 (2024-2025)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 3 cr
Responsible Teacher: Mäkinen, Seppo
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2024-2025

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3001TT2022-3, TT2022-3A, TT2022-3B, TT2022-3C, TT2022-3D2025-01-07 – 2025-04-30Suvi Isohella, Matti TuomaalaFinnish2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13
3002TT2022V-3, TT2022V-3A2025-01-07 – 2025-05-17Suvi Isohella, Matti TuomaalaFinnish2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13
3003SAT2022-3, SAT2022-3A, SAT2022-3B, SAT2022-3C, SAT2022-3D2024-09-02 – 2024-12-14Suvi Isohella, Timo AlhoFinnish2024-08-01 – 2024-09-06
3004SAT2022V-3, SAT2022V-3A, SAT2022V-3B2024-09-02 – 2025-02-09Suvi Isohella, Marko IskalaFinnish2024-08-01 – 2024-09-06

Learning Outcomes

The course gives a third-year engineering student thorough knowledge on the thesis process at VAMK. The student is guided to getting a thesis topic for themselves, to writing the thesis according to VAMK's writing instructions, to a sensible and logical working throughout the whole process, to managing one's working schedule, to information acquisition, to scientific writing and to collaboration with companies. The student becomes familiar with Urkund inspection and the student will learn how to use the Wihi application as part of managing the thesis process. The course includes a 2-credit part of Finnish language studies, which focus on issues related with the thesis.

Student's Workload

81 h, including 30 h of contact studies.


The parts of the thesis process, information acquisition, writing instructions, Urkund, Wihi, Finnish language studies.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

The material prepared by the teachers.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, exercises.

Assessment Criteria

The general assessment criteria of VAMK.

Assessment Methods

Participation activity, an examination on the Finnish language part.
