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Front Page > Current Education > Information Technology (TT) > 2021 > Year 1 > Direct Current Circuits (IST2004)

Direct Current Circuits

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IST2004
Curriculum: TT 2021
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 1 (2021-2022)
Semester: Autumn
Credits: 2 cr
Responsible Teacher: Lehtinen, Harri
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2021-2022

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3003TT2021-1A, TT2021-1B, TT2021-1C, TT2021-1D2021-08-23 – 2021-11-30Santiago ChavezFinnish2021-08-01 – 2021-09-06
3004ST2021-1, ST2021-1A, ST2021-1B, ST2021-1C, ST2021-1D2021-10-25 – 2021-12-19Jari Koski, Markus ManninenFinnish2021-08-01 – 2021-09-06

Learning Outcomes

The student becomes familiar with basic phenomena and quantities in electrical engineering. The student learns how to calculate DC circuits and can apply the learnt methods to calculate phenomena, which occur in DC circuits.

Student's Workload

54 h, which contains 28 h of scheduled contact studies at VAMK and 16 h at the University of Vaasa.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses



Quantities related to DC circuits such as electric charge, voltage, current, resistance, power and energy. Basic laws controlling the behaviour of DC circuits such as Ohm's law, Kirchoff's law and Joules'a law. Various resistance couplings (serial, parallel, star and delta couplings) and their reduction. Sources of power, their characteristics, definition of components for a equivalent circuits. DC circuits couplings and the most important solutions. Arrangements of resistors in DC circuits (serial arrangement and potentiometre adjustment).

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Heikki Esala: Teoreettinen Sähkötekniikka 1 (Chapter 2 and the collection of formulae), in pdf-format.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Electrotechnical theory related to DC circuits and how to apply it in practice is studied during lectures. Then the students independently apply what they have learnt by doing practically oriented exercises. The correct solutions to the exercises are shown during the demonstrations.

Assessment Criteria

Grade 5: The student is able to apply creatively the contents of the course.
Grade 3: The student is well-abled to utilize the course contents.
Grade 1: The student knows those subjects of the course, which are necessary for the forthcoming studies and working life.

Assessment Methods

An examination and activity in exercises.

Further Information

Responsible organization: VAMK
