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Front Page > Study Search > Research Methods and Applied Sciences (TLA0906) > 2017-2018

Research Methods and Applied Sciences

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TLA0906
Type: Compulsory
Curriculum: LT 2015
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Year of Study: 3 (2017-2018)
Credits: 3 cr
Responsible Teacher: Koskinen, Ossi
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2017-2018

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
1T-LT-3K2017-09-01 – 2017-12-22Margit Mannila, Päivi RajalaFinnish2017-08-21 – 2017-09-18
2T-LT-3M2017-09-01 – 2017-12-22Kim SkåtarFinnish2017-08-21 – 2017-09-18
3T-LT-3T2017-09-01 – 2017-12-22Mikko Ranta, Mika YlinenFinnish2017-08-21 – 2017-09-18

Learning Outcomes

The student is able to choose applicable research methods based on the research problem. He is able to design an empirical study taking the aims of the research and resources at hand into consideration. The student is able to create a measurement instrument suitable for data collection for student’s own project. The student knows central qualitative and quantitative research methods and is able to apply them in the research.

Student's Workload

Lectures and exercises 39 h.
Supervised work with own research project 6 h.
Independent work with own research project 36 h.
The assesment of student's own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Research methods and statistics


Introduction to philosophy of science, selection of research method based on research problem, designing an empirical study, central qualitative and quantitative methods and implementation of the method in own study.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Eriksson, P. & Kovalainen, A. (2009). Qualitative methods in Business Research. London: Sage.
Holopainen, M. & Pulkkinen, P. (2008). Tilastolliset menetelmät. Helsinki: WSOY.
Other material named by teacher

Assessment Criteria

Report containing a description of choice of method for student's own research and a plan for implementation of the empirical study 70 %
report presentation 10 %
acting as opponent 10 %
participation to the seminars 10 %

Assessment Methods

5 The student is able to choose appropriate research methods based on the research problem. He/she is able to design a logical empirical study taking the aims of the research and available resources into consideration. The student is able to develop a good, theoretically grounded measurement instrument suitable for collecting his/her own data. The student knows well the central qualitative and quantitative research methods and is able to apply them according to the needs of his/her own study.
3 The student is able to choose appropriate research methods based on the research problem. He/she is able to design an executable empirical study taking the aims of the research and available resources into consideration. The student is able to develop a theoretically grounded measurement instrument suitable for collecting his/her own data. The student knows the central qualitative and quantitative research methods and is able to apply them according to the needs of his/her own study.
1 The student is able to choose appropriate research methods based on the research problem. He/she is able to design an executable empirical study. The student is able to develop a measurement instrument related to the theoretical framework. The student knows some central qualitative and quantitative research methods and is able to apply them in his/her own study.
