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Law of Civil Servants

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TL00BE63
Curriculum: LT 2021 / 2022 / 2022W / 2023 / 2023W / 2024 / 2024-O
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Year of Study: 3 (2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 4 cr
Responsible Teacher: Teirfolk-Naarmala, Marika
Language of Instruction: Finnish


Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3001LT2021-3O2023-10-23 – 2024-03-03Marika Teirfolk-Naarmala, Päivi AuranenFinnish2023-08-01 – 2023-09-06
3002LT2022-3O, LT2022-3W2024-10-21 – 2025-01-10Minna Murto-Unkila, Päivi AuranenFinnish2024-08-01 – 2025-01-25

The descriptions shown below are for the academic year: 2024-2025

Learning Outcomes

The student will know the Act of Civil Servants very well and understand the application of the legislation of Civil Servant. The student familiarizes him/herself with the rights and official duties, public liability and legal protection.Kurssiin sisältyy 3 op. virkamiesoikeutta ja 1 op oikeustieteen englantia. TÄHÄN VIELÄ LEGAL ENGLISH

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course: 108 h.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basics of Labour Law and second years advanced professional studies.


The basics of the Act of Civil Servant and the application field. Establishing and revoking a contract of a civil Servant, altering and transferring of a post. The rights and official duties of a civil Servant. Public liability. Employment security of a Civil Servant. Legal protection and legal Safety. Act on Civil Servants in Local Governments LEGAL ENGLISHIN SISÄLTÖ

Regional Impact

The student developes his/her skills to work within the region's business community.


The student understands the relevance and influence of interationality on subject.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

- All the material in Moodle
- Legislation in force
- Seppo Koskinen, Heikki Kulla: Virkamiesoikeuden perusteet (Tritonian e-kirja) uusin painos

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, project work and presentations, assignments, self studies.

Assessment Criteria

5. The student masters the topics of the course extremely well and has an excellent understanding of the significance of the legal issues for the company's operations.

3.The student masters the topics of the course well and has an good understanding of the significance of the legal issues for the company's operations.

1.The student masters the topics of the course satisfactory and has an understanding of the significance of the legal issues for the company's operations.

Assessment Methods

Assignments, Project Work, Presentations and a written exam .Numerical (0-5)
