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Front Page > Current Education > Business Information Technology (TK) > 2025 > Year 2 > Intelligent Business Project (TK00BR86)

Intelligent Business Project

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TK00BR86
Curriculum: TK 2025
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Year of Study: 2 (2026-2027)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Ulvinen, Tero
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The student delves deeper into the development and application of intelligent business solutions through practical project work. They will learn to identify and analyze business needs and develop innovative solutions by leveraging the opportunities offered by AI and cloud-based solutions. The student will master all phases of the project, from planning and development to testing and deployment, as integral parts of business processes. Teamwork, project management, and effective communication with stakeholders are key skills that the student will learn and apply as the practical project progresses.

The course enhances the student’s ability to act responsibly and effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team, while also deepening their competence in evaluating the functionality and impact of the developed solution in a business context. Additionally, the student will understand the role of RDI (research, development, and innovation) activities in the development of intelligent business solutions. The student will also grasp the principles of change management and know how to apply them in carrying out intelligent business projects, as well as being able to assess project profitability and ensure the realization of business benefits.

Student's Workload

135 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence in Business

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
AI Tools
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Business


Business-driven Project Planning, Scheduling, and Implementation

Applying AI- and Cloud-based Solutions in Business Projects

Applying Change Management Principles for Project Execution and Assessing Project Profitability

Phases of Application Development: Planning, Implementation, Testing, and Deployment

Evaluating the Functionality and Business Value of the Developed Application

Working in RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) Projects

Teamwork, Project Management Skills, and Stakeholder Communication

Regional Impact

The course considers the demands of the local business sector and enhances regional competence.


The course considers the international aspects of companies and organizations in the region.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Current materials announced by the instructor.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods


Assessment Criteria

The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5.

Grade 1–2
The student participates in project implementation but requires guidance and support at every stage. They recognize the potential of AI and cloud-based solutions only superficially and do not yet demonstrate the ability to independently analyze and develop business-related solutions. In team collaboration, the student’s role is primarily supportive.

Grade 3–4
The student can carry out the key phases of a project, from planning to deployment, applying AI and cloud-based tools to meet business needs. They work smoothly as part of a project team and can evaluate both the functionality and business value of the developed solution.

Grade 5
The student demonstrates in-depth expertise in designing and implementing intelligent business applications, strategically integrating AI and cloud-based solutions. They work professionally in a project team and can assess the solution’s functionality and business benefits, producing sustainable and effective results.

Assessment Methods

Teacher assessment, self-assessment and peer assessment.
