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Front Page > Current Education > Business Information Technology (TK) > 2025 > Year 2 > Implementation of Client-Side Applications (DU00BS10)

Implementation of Client-Side Applications

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: DU00BS10
Curriculum: TK 2025
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Year of Study: 2 (2026-2027)
Semester: Autumn
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Ulvinen, Tero
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The aim is to introduce the student to selected modern implementation techniques, practices, and tools regarding the
development of browser-based applications and, via practical training in their use, to develop skills enabling creating nontrivial client-side applications.

After completing the course, the student

• uses a programming language central to client-side implementations fluently, adaptively, and considering also the
principles of sustainable development and information security
• chooses the tools to use (e.g., an editor, an IDE, or auxiliary tools based on language models) and uses them appropriately,
• is familiar with common technical solutions (libraries, frameworks, or such) and their key features regarding clientside implementations,
• analyzes, compares, and takes into account the benefits and drawbacks of different ways to implement client-side software,
• masters practically and in a professionally meaningful extent the basics of at least one library, application framework, or
equivalent that is useful in working life and suitable for implementing client-side applications, and
• actively and independently seeks professionally relevant information and delves into it.

Student's Workload

135 hours

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Introduction to Programming
Web Technology and Digital Graphics
Fundamentals of Client-Side Programming Languages


• Modern libraries, application frameworks, or similar solutions used in the development of client-side applications.
• Designing the user interface and functionality of a browser application in accordance with requirements.
• Practical implementation of a browser application.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Online Learning

Assessment Criteria

The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5.

The student is familiar with key techniques and procedures used in the implementation of browser-based applications and
can handle small-scale client-side programming tasks using amodern user interface library, a software framework suitable for
client-side development, or the like.

The student can choose the most suitable implementation option from different alternatives and justify the choice. They
can work with the programming language and the libraries in use fluently, search for information and solve problems
independently, recognize and follow important practices in the software industry, take responsibility for their software
development work, and are able to manage and schedule it as well as evaluate the impacts and quality of their work. The
student can design and implement, following the guidelines and specifications, a visually pleasing browser application that uses
external data and the interfaces provided by the server side (or such) appropriately.

The student follows the instructions precisely and masters the programming language in use excellently, acts responsibly,
flexibly, and constructively, and is capable of smoothly utilizing a wide range of tools and libraries (or such) and producing
clean and well-documented code. They broadly understand the impacts of their actions, demonstrate activity, operate
considering the principles of information security and sustainable development, and creatively and professionally
combine solutions and techniques. The student can design and implement a versatile, flawlessly functioning, usable, and
accessible client-side application.
