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Front Page > Archived Education > Degree Programme in Public Nursing (TH) > 2014 > Basic Elements of Health (SSHP1300)

Basic Elements of Health

Structure Type: Study module
Code: SSHP1300
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: TH 2014
Level: Bachelor of Health Care
Credits: 6 cr
Responsible Teacher: Salmu, Marita
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The student is able to describe parts of the human anatomy and physiology and is familiar with the basic concepts of anatomy and physiology both in Finnish and in Latin. The student is able to describe different microbes, ways of contagion and the human immune system. The student understands the principles of aseptic work and the causes for hospital infections as well as how to avoid and treat them. The student understands the basics of pathogenesis and pathology.
The student is able to describe nutritiants and the nutritinal needs as well as the nutritional recommendations.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course: 162 h
- of which scheduled studies: 85 h
- of which autonomous studies: 77 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No prerequisites


Anatomy and physiology I. Basics of microbiology. Basics of pathology. Nutrition.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Nienstedt, Hänninen, 2009. Ihmisen fysiologia ja anatomia, WSOY.
Recommended litarature:
Karhumäki, Jonsson, Saros.2005. Mikrobit hoitotyön haasteena. Edita
Suomen kuntaliitto. Infektioiden torjunta sairaalassa. Uusin painos.
Other material recommended by the teacher

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures 91 h, e-learning 24 h

Assessment Criteria

Grade 5
The student is able to
- describe the scientific basics of health using professional concepts also in Latin.
- describe the risk factors of health, their causes, principles of prevention as well as the factors causing diseases.
- describe nutritients, nutritional needs and current recommendations.

Grade 3
The student is able to:
- describe the main features of the scientific basics of health using professional concepts also in Latin.
- describe the major risk factors of health, their causes, principles of prevention as well as some of factors causing diseases.
- describe central nutritients, nutritional needs and current recommendations.

Grade 1
The student is able to:
- describe the main features of the most important scientific basics of health by using professional concepts partly also in Latin.
- describe some of the risk factors of health, of their causes, of principles of preventing them as well as some of the factors causing diseases.
- describe some of the central nutritients and nutritional needs and identifies the current recommendations.

Assessment Methods

Exam Anatomy and physiology 75%, written exam Pathology 25%: numeric assesment.
Assignments: pass/fail.
