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Front Page > Archived Education > Business Know-How and Entrepreneurship (T-LY) > 2011 > Year 1 > Scientific Writing (TLYS0001)

Scientific Writing

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TLYS0001
Type: Compulsory / Professional Studies
Curriculum: T-LY 2011
Level: Master of Business Administration
Year of Study: 1 (2011-2012)
Credits: 2 cr
Responsible Teacher: Mannila, Margit
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2011-2012

Impl.Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
12011-08-29 – 2011-10-21Henrik Virtanen, Margit MannilaFinnish2011-08-19 – 2011-09-09

Learning Outcomes

During the course the student gets insight in how to read, analyse, apply and produce scientific text. The goal is that the student learns to think of his or her writing as a process and understands the meaning of the different writing phases in the own report. The assignments of the course help the student to become an independent thinker and writer.

Student's Workload

Total work load: 54 h.
- scheduled studies: 11 h.
- individual studies: 43 h.
The assesment of student's own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No prerequisites.


Reading of scientific report, writing of scientific text, the structure of the scientific report, the use of sources, the use of referencing, databases.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Litterature that supports studies and learning
A finnish basic book on research and scientific writing:
•Hirsjärvi, Remes & Sajavaara (2009). Tutki ja kirjoita. 15. painos. Tammi.

Guides to methods
•Aaltola, J. & Valli, R. (toim.). (2010). Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 1. Metodin valinta ja ainestonkeruu: virikkeitä aloittelevalle tutkijalle. PS-kustannus.
•Aaltola, J. & Valli, R. (toim.). (2010). Ikkunoita tutkimusmetodeihin 2. Näkökulmia alittelevalle tutkijalle tutkimuksen teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin ja analyysimenetelmiin. PS-kustannus.
•Hurtig, J. Laitinen, M. & Uljas-Rautio, K. (toim.) (2010). Ajattele itse! PS-kustannus.
•Räsänen, P., Anttila, A-H. & Melin, H. (toim.). (2005). Tutkimus menetelmien pyörteissä. Sosiaalitutkimuksen lähtökohdat ja valinnat. PS-kustannus.
•Tuomi, J. & Sarajärvi, A. (2009). Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Tammi.
•Valli, R. (2001). Johdatus tilastolliseen tutkimukseen. PS-kustannus.

On the Internet
•Saukkonen, P. Tutkielmanteon tukisivut. Helsingin yliopisto: Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta.

English books
•Huff, A.S. (2008). Designing Research for Publication. Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications.
•Huff, A.S. (1998). Writing for Scholarly Publication. Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications.
•Tibbetts, A. (1982). Ten Rules for Writing Readably. IEEE Trasactions of Professional Communication 25(1), 10-13.
•Belcher, W.L. (2009). Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, discussions and assignments.

Assessment Criteria

1 The student has basic knowledge in scientific writing.
3 The student has good knowledge in scientific writing and can apply learned issues in practice. .
5 The student has excellent knowledge in scientific writing can excellently apply learned issues in practice.

Assessment Methods

The goals of learning are measured through activity and assignments. In the assessment the ability to implement learned issues in practice are evaluated.
