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Front Page > Archived Education > International Business (T-IB) > 2013 > Data Processing (TIP4400)

Data Processing

Structure Type: Study module
Code: TIP4400
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: T-IB 2013
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Credits: 8 cr
Responsible Teacher: Salonen, Klaus
Language of Instruction: English

Learning Outcomes

The student understands the basics of computer networks and Internet, Office Tool programs, and ICT tools for studies. The student masters the usage of computer in an efficient way. The student can use relevant computer programmes and ICT environments.
Computer networks and the internet (3cr)
Office Tool programs (5cr)

Assessment Criteria

The student can

5 utilise theories, concepts and methods consistently in various situations
- write to a restricted target group about theories, concepts and methods employed in the field
-discuss the issues and phenomena in the field with a restricted target group

3 utilize essential concepts in single situations and assignments and understand the theories on which the assignments are based
- discuss the essential issues in the field with a restricted target group
- produce written and oral basic information in the field

1 recognise and understand the essential theories, principles and methods
- document essential phenomena of the field
- communicate about the essential issues of the field
