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Front Page > Archived Education > International Business (T-IB) > 2011 > BASIC AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (TIBX0000)


Structure Type: Degree structure
Code: TIBX0000
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: T-IB 2011
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Credits: 95 cr
Responsible Teacher: Backman, Maj-Lis
Language of Instruction: English

Learning Outcomes

General and professional basic studies are obligatory and the same for all studernts. The goal is that the student will get a deeper understanding and knowledge for each professional area. He/she will develop from being a novice ti being a professional.

The studies will generate both professional and general work skills.


General and Professional Basic Studies are divided into competence areas as follows:
- Society and Entrepreneurship
- Languages and communication
- Data Processing
- Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Business Economics and Legal norms
- Marketing
- Company economics
- Researchh Process

During the basic studies the student will also develop his/her generic competences, such as:
- Learning competence
- Ethical competence
- Communicative and social competence
- Development competence
- Organisational and societal competence
- Internationalisation competence
