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Front Page > Archived Education > Business Economics (T-FE) > 2003Y > Year 3 > Administration and Book-keeping of Wages and Salary (TEF12305)

Administration and Book-keeping of Wages and Salary

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TEF12305
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: T-FE 2003Y
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Year of Study: 3 (2005-2006)
Credits: 1.5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Melin, Kirsti

Courses During the Academic Year 2005-2006

Impl.Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
132005-08-22 – 2005-10-21Timo HautamäkiSwedish2005-08-15 – 2005-09-02
142005-08-22 – 2005-10-21Timo HautamäkiSwedish2005-08-15 – 2005-09-02
