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Front Page > Archived Education > Aussenhandel und Marketing (T-AM) > S2001L

Aussenhandel und Marketing (T-AM S2001L)

Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
Form of Teaching: Full-time student
Start: 2001-08-27
Credits: 210 cr
Duration: 3.5 years
Language: Deutsch
TAM11000General Basic Studies42
TAM11100Introductional Studies1.5
AAA11101Studies and Information Acquisition
TAM11200Entrepreneurship and Society7.5
TAM11206Public Economy in German1.5
TAM11207Logistics and Financing3
TAM11300Language and Communication21
GGG11309Efficient Oral and Written Communication3
TEF11312Working Finnish1.5
TAM11306Communication in German3
TAM11311ABusiness Communication3
TAM11313ALandeskunde, Finnland und Deutschland3
YYY11321Working English4.5
TAM11332Introduction to Business English3
TAM11400Data Processing6
YYY11405Basics of Data Processing and Tools3
YYY11402Computer Networks3
TAM11500Mathematics and Natural Science6
TAM11501Business- and Finance Mathematics3
TAM11502Introduction to Statistics1.5
TEF11506Methodology for Studies and Research1.5
TAM12000Professional Basic Studies46.5
TAM12100Entrepreneurship and Legal Forms16.5
TAM12108ABasics of Contract Law and Obligations3
TAM12106Basics of Book-keeping and Financial Statement4.5
TAM12110ACompany Forms and Establishment3
TAM12111Basics of Marketing Laws1.5
TAM12200Basic Studies in Germany30
TAM12202Business Economy3
TAM12203Business Economy3
TAM12204Business Planning / Controlling3
TAM12205Basics of Accounting3
TAM12206ADP: Information Technology in Business3
TAM12209Human Resources Management / Ethics3
TAM12210Market Research3
TAM12207National Economy (Ecology)3
TAM12208Foreign Trade4.5
TAM12212Basics of Labour Legislation1.5
TAM20101International Marketing15
TAM20101Industrial Marketing and Purchasing6
TAM20108AInternational Marketing (2 cu in English, 1 cu in German)4.5
TAM20106Virtual Marketing3
TAM20107German Economic Policy1.5
TAM20108Business and Negotiations3
TAM20200International Trade15
TAM20206ATechniques of Foreign Trade6
TAM20207Finance and Payment Traffic in International Business4.5
TAM20209Legal Norms of International Trade and Contracts4.5
TAM20301International Entrepreneurship15
TIB20208Guidance of International Personnel Resources3
TAM20318Ledarskap i internationell miljö - Int. Management und Administration4.5
TAM20313AKansainväliset finassi- ja rahamarkkinat3
TAM20304Advanced Special Studies in Financial Administration3
TAM20316Written and Oral Business Communication3
TAM20309English for International Business1.5
TAM12300Weiterführende Studien in Deutschland15
TAM12302Communication / Presentation Techniques3
TAM12303Business Game1.5
TAM12304Project Work7.5