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Front Page > Study Search > Youth Work (SSAS0113) > 2019

Youth Work

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SSAS0113
Type: Optional obligatory / Professional Studies
Curriculum: SA 2016 / 2016V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 3 (2018-2019 / 2019)
Credits: 3 cr
Responsible Teacher: Niemistö, Riku
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Year 2019

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageClassesEnrolment
9S-SA-3LNP2019-01-07 – 2019-06-02Susanna WeberFinnish 2018-12-10 – 2019-01-14
10S-SA-3VK2019-01-07 – 2019-06-02Susanna WeberFinnish 2018-12-10 – 2019-01-14
 S-SA-3P1 – P4 (2019-2020) Finnish66 h 

Learning Outcomes

The student gets acquainted with factors that affect the growth conditions of young people and with adolescence as an episode of life. The student is familiar with the social significance, functions and orientations of youth work. The student knows how to develop his own work with professionals from other fields and knows how to operate in a working group as an expert of his own branch. The student familiarizes himself with the significance of youth politics as a work-guiding factor. The student applies the things he has earlier learned to the assisting work of young people and families.

Student's Workload

Altogether 80 hours, of which scheduled study approximately 40 hours.
The assesment of student's own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basic and vocational studies.


Child and youth work in the Finnish society. Methods of social youth work. Youth cultures, youth politics. Multicultural youth work. Youth and criminality, youth and child welfare, special services intended for young people, adolescence as an episode of life, young people and criminality, Youth and working life.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Autio, Minna & Eräranta, Kirsi & Myllyniemi, Sami. Polarisoituva nuoruus? Nuorten elinolot vuosikirja 2008. Hoikkala, Tommi & Sell, Anna (toim.) Nuorisotyötä on tehtävä. Menetelmien perustat, rajat ja mahdollisuudet. Nuorisotutkimusverkosto. 2008. Raitakari, Suvi & Virokannas, Elina (toim.) Nuorisotyön ja sosiaalityön jaetut kentät. Puheenvuoroja asiantuntijuudesta, käytännöistä ja kohtaamisista. Nuorisotutkimusverkosto. 2009.
Gretschel, A. & Kiilakoski, T. (toim.) 2008. Lasten ja nuorten kunta. Nuoristotutkimusverkosto.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, group work, excursion and a written assignment.

Assessment Criteria

The student has acquainted with youth as an episode of life and understands the special questions related to the period. The student is very familiar with the basic functions and goals of youth work. The student sees his own role in the social services branch and masters the working methods of social youth work. By means of the written assignment the student shows his own critical thinking.
The student is familiar with youth as a period of age and with the special questions related. The student is aware of the basic functions and goals of youth work. The student gets acquainted with the working methods of youth work. The written assignment is done and it shows the individual opinions and thinking of the student.
The student has acquainted with the basic functions and goals of youth work. The written assignment is done but it lacks the individual opinions.

Assessment Methods

Active participation, individual written assignment.
