Basics of Clinical Nursing
Structure Type: | Study unit |
Code: | SH00BC42 |
Curriculum: | SH 2023VK |
Level: | Bachelor of Nursing |
Year of Study: | 1 (2024) |
Semester: | Spring |
Credits: | 6 cr |
Responsible Teacher: | Huusko, Taina |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Courses During the Year 2024
Impl. | Group(s) | Study Time | Teacher(s) | Language | Enrolment |
3015 | SH2023-1CK | 2024-01-01 – 2024-04-28 | Johanna Latvala, Kirsi Lehtola, Mari Scheweleff, Taina Huusko | Finnish | 2023-12-01 – 2024-01-12 |
3017 | SH2023V-1K | 2024-01-01 – 2024-05-31 | Miia Joensuu, Mari Scheweleff | Finnish | 2023-12-01 – 2024-01-12 |
3018 | SH2024-1A | 2024-08-01 – 2024-12-20 | Johanna Latvala, Kirsi Lehtola, Taina Huusko | Finnish | 2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13 |
3019 | SH2024-1B | 2024-08-01 – 2024-12-20 | Johanna Latvala | Finnish | 2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13 |
Still need to take the course? See the courses during the academic year 2024-2025.
Learning Outcomes
The student knows
- how to, in cooperation with other occupational groups, to nurse and treat the patient individually, safely and economically
- how to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing which maintains the ability to function, activity and rehabilitation of the patient
- how to describe the stages of the nursing process and write patient information in the patient documentation system
- The student understands the principles of aseptic work
Student's Workload
Total work load of the course: 162 h
Scheduled and online studies 66 h, practice lessons and simulation 20h.
Autonomous studies 96h
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
No prerequisites.
The basics for nursing the patient,practical exericises of clinical care skills, patient safety,nursing legislation , planning and documentation of nursing according to the Finn CC classification, support for patient mobility.
Contents of practice lessons: Getting acquainted with the school flushing room, equipment maintenance.
Bedding (bed function). Washing of the patient in bed and the needed equipment. Basic care.Patient feeding. Blood glucose measuring. Inserting the nasogastric tube, PEG. Blood pressure, heart rate and heat measurement. Catheterization, urine sampling and urine examination. Isolation labs. Medicated sprays.
Respiratory positioning / supplemental oxygen. Suction of mucus from the upper respiratory tract.
Possible repetitions. Documentation according to the Finn CC classification of nursing work during each practice hour.
Regional Impact
Employees in care facilities in the area.
A good basis for nursing and the opportunity for an international exchange later.
Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools
Rautava-Nurmi, Westergård, Henttonen, Ojala ja Vuorinen. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. 2020. Sanoma Pro.
Iivanainen A & Syväoja P. 2016. Hoida ja kirjaa Mykkänen M ym. 2018. Hoitotyön rakenteisen kirjaamisen auditointi Hoitotiede 30 (3), 203-213. Kinnunen U-M ym. 2019. FinCC-luokituskokonaisuuden käyttäjäopas FinCC 4.0, 11-47.
Muu ilmoitettava materiaali
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Lectures, assignments
Practical lessions
Autonomous studies
Assessment Criteria
Grade 5
The student knows
- how to in interaction with other occupational groups and in specific situations nurse and treat the patient individually, safely and economically
-how to make an individual and comprehensive care plan, to implement with a holistic approach and to evaluate with a critical approach the nursing of a patient
- how to use the different stages of the nursing process when writing patient information in the patient documentation system
- understands the principles of aseptic work
Grade 3
The student knows
- how to naturally interact with other nurses and the patients and can plan the treatment of a patient individually, safely and economically
-how to make the care plan, to implement and to evaluate the nursing of a sick and ageing patient
- how to describe the different stages of nursing process and to write patient information in the patient documentation system
- understands the principles of aseptic work
Grade 1
The student knows
- how to interact with other occupational groups, how to nurse and treat the patient individually, safely and economically
-how to make an individual care plan, to implement and to evaluate the nursing of a patient
- how to describe and give examples the different stages of nursing process and to write patient information in the patient documentation system
- understands the principles of aseptic work
Assessment Methods
Examination, grading 0-5