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Front Page > Archived Education > Degree Programme in Nursing (SH) > 2015 > Clinical Nursing II (SSHA0800)

Clinical Nursing II

Structure Type: Study module
Code: SSHA0800
Type: Compulsory / Professional Studies
Curriculum: SH 2015
Level: Bachelor of Health Care
Credits: 11 cr
Responsible Teacher: Autio, Päivi
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The student identifies the patient´s need for care and support and plans nursing. The student has a command of the most common examination and treatment methods and is able to apply them in nursing.The student is able to implement the guidance process of a patient and use current evidence-based information. The student follows the ethical instructions and principles of nursing and is able to evaluate with a critical approach how well (s)he her/himself and how well the work community follows these principles.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course: 297 h
- of which scheduled studies: 148 h
- of which autonomous studies: 149 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basics of clinical nursing, basics of pharmachoterapy, clinical nursing methods I, safe pharmachoterapy.


Prenatal care and gynaecological nursing. Pediatric nursing. The surgical patient's preoperative, intra operative and postoperative nursing. Health technology. Practical exercises of clinical care skills.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Iivanainen A., Jauhiainen M., Pikkarainen P. 2006. Sairauksien hoitaminen terveyttä edistäen. Helsinki. Tammi.
Eskola K., Hytönen E. 2008. Nainen hoitotyön asiakkaana. Porvoo. WSOY.
Koistinen P. 2009. Lasten ja nuorten hoitotyön käsikirja. Helsinki. Tammi.
Lukkari L., Kinnunen T., Korte R. 2007. Perioperatiivinen hoitotyö. Helsinki. WSOY.
Muu ilmoitettava materiaali.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures and supervised exercises 143 h, e-learning 39 h.

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1
The Student is able to:
-to carry out the nursing process under supervision
-to search for and to use evidence-based information in nursing
- follow the ethical principles and evaluate his/her ability and the work community`s ability to follow these principles
- is able to calculate medical dosage calculations without making any mistakes.
Grade 3
The Student is able to
-to carry out the nursing process independently
- to search, use and evaluate evidence-based information in nursing
- follow the ethical principles and evaluate , with a critical approach, his/her ability and the work community`s ability to follow these principles
- is able to calculate medical dosage calculations without making any mistakes.

-Grade 5
The Student is able to
-carry out the nursing process independently and with a client-centered approach
- search, use and evaluate evidence-based information in nursing with a critical approach and develop nursing
- follow the ethical principles and evaluate , with a critical approach, his/her ability and the work community`s ability to follow these principles and develop the work community´s ethical function
-is able to calculate medical dosage calculation without any mistakes

Assessment Methods

Exam 80 % and/or learning assignment 20 %: numerical evaluation/ grading (0-5). Ecxercises and medical dosage calculation exam: evaluation pass/fail.
