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Front Page > Study Search > Remedial child protection work (SAVA0103) > 2019

Remedial child protection work

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SAVA0103
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: SA 2016V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 3 (2019)
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Saikkonen, Sanna
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Year 2019

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageClassesEnrolment
1S-SA-3VK2019-01-07 – 2019-06-02Pekka Lehtiniemi, Ville NisonenFinnish 2018-12-10 – 2019-01-14
 S-SA-3P1 – P4 (2019-2020) Finnish110 h 

Learning Outcomes

The student knows
- and is aquainted to different aspects of child protection
- the impact of Child Welfare Act and Social Welfare Act to the field
- the path of the client in child protection and understands and perceives both public and third sector service system
- how to critically apply and evaluate different methods in family work taking into account the special needs of the families


Early interaction
Child protection
Placement of a child
From placement to substitute care
After care
Multiculturality as a challenge for family work
Family work produced by municipality and third sector
The methods of family work

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Luennot, tutustumiskäynnit, asiantuntijaluennoitsijat, oppimistehtävät yhteistoiminnallisin menetelmin ja tentti.

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1: the student
- knows partly the wholeness of child protection from pending to after care and can tell about their phases
- has justufyed view on central issues of every phase
-is familiar with the methods of family work and substitute care and knows how to apply them in guidance
- can list the different types of substitute care.
Grade 3: the student
- perceives the phases of the wholeness of child protection from pending to after care and understands and knows how to describe the most important points in every phase
- knows how to apply the methods of family work and substitute care in practice
- knows different types of substitute care
- is familiar with the special issues of child protection
Grade 5: the student knows
- comprehensively the phases of the wholeness of child protection from pending to after care and understands and knows how to describe justified the most important points in every phase
- comprehensively the work methods of family work in open care and substitute care and knows how to choose and apply them in practice
- is well familiar with the wholeness of child protection and different ways to implement it and can evaluate and develop substitute care from child’s perspective
- the special issues of child protection
