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Front Page > Current Education > Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikan koulutus (SAT) > 2024V > Year 2 > Power Electronics (IST7005)

Power Electronics

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IST7005
Curriculum: SAT 2024V
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 2 (2025-2026)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Hautala, Jukka
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2025-2026

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3015SAT2024V-A2026-01-01 – 2026-07-31Jukka HautalaFinnish2025-12-01 – 2026-01-11
3016SAT2024-1, SAT2024-A, SAT2024-B, SAT2024-C, SAT2024-D2026-01-01 – 2026-07-31Jukka HautalaFinnish2025-12-01 – 2026-01-11

Taking the course in advance? See the courses during the academic year 2024-2025.

Learning Outcomes

Having completed the course, the student recognises the applications of semiconductive components used in converter use and their use as part of modern converter connection. The student has basic knowledge on converter applications of controlled electric drives, such as the grid-connected rectifiers and inverters of a frequency converter in power production. The student has skills to dimension a converter for various loading conditions and recognises the network effects of converters, such as the mechanisms of the generation of current harmonics and reactive power.

Student's Workload

135 hours, of which in addition to lectures, 4 x4x hours for laboratory assignments, 2 hours for the exam.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Safety at Work and Electric Work Safety, MATLAB and Simulink, Transients and Frequency Analysis


Operation of a converter; operation of semiconductive components in power electronics; characteristics of power electronics components, such as voltage withstand and power losses. The structure and operating principles of line-commutated rectifiers and inverters and operation of forced commutated converters, such as inverters and DC circuit breakers. Dimensioning through study of thermal models. Current and voltage harmonics caused by converters, effects of reactive power. Reduction methods of negative effects and their special applications. Calculation and exercises to support the theoretical studies. Laboratory assignments include various measurement and testing activities.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Material supplied by the teacher.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Contact teaching, independent calculation assigments, supervised laboratory assignments

Assessment Criteria

The general assessment criteria of VAMK.

Assessment Methods

The teacher’s assessment, submitted laboratory reports and assignments, exam.
