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Social Security

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SAPA0508
Curriculum: SA 2018 / 2018V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 3 (2020-2021 / 2021)
Semester: Spring / Autumn
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Blom, Heidi
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Year 2021

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3001SA2018-3B2021-01-04 – 2021-06-20Heidi BlomFinnish2020-08-17 – 2021-01-10
3002SA2018-3A2021-01-04 – 2021-06-20Heidi BlomFinnish2020-08-17 – 2021-01-10
3003SA2018V-34K2021-08-01 – 2021-12-31 Finnish2021-08-01 – 2021-09-06
3004SA2018V-34K, SA2019-3A, SA2019-3B2021-08-01 – 2022-07-31Heidi BlomFinnish2021-08-01 – 2021-09-06
3006H-VV2021-06-01 – 2021-12-31Heidi BlomFinnish2021-03-15 – 2021-04-09

Learning Outcomes

The student is able to deepen their knowledge of social security with an understandance of combining their client’s income support and social insurance.
The student perceives the whole of the comprehensive social security field.
The student understands the importance of income support in the social security system. The student is familiar with the goals of the income support and understands the stages of the income support; calculation, decision and appeal.
The student knows the main features and structure of social security.
The student will get an overview of economic social work.
The student gets acquainted with the future development prospects, needs and current issues of social security development.

Student's Workload

135h, which includes both scheduled contact studies and online studies.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Society and service system knowledge.


Combining income support and social insurance in a client case.
The structure of income support.
Income security benefits during different stages of life.
The cons of income support system.
Different forms of income support.
How to manage with a basic income.
Social welfare systems administration.
The financing and cost structure of social security system.
Economical social work.
Social security development needs in Finland.

Regional Impact

The student develop their knowledge to act and work in the field of social security mainly in area of Pohjanmaa.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Required reading:
Mattila, Yrjö (toim). Toimeentuloturva. 2017. FINVA.
Havakka. Pauliina, Niemelä Mikko, Uusitalo Hannu (toim). Sosiaalivakuutus. 2017. FINVA.
Ihalainen, Jarmo, Kettunen, Terttu 2016. Turvaverkko vai trampoliini. Sosiaaliturvan mahdollisuudet.
Toimeentulotukea koskevaan lainsäädäntöön muutoksia 1.1.2017 alkaen. Kuntainfo.
Perusturvan riittävyyden arviointiraportti. THL. Linkki:

Recommended Reading:
Juho Saari (toim). Sosiaaliturvariippuvuus. Sosiaalipummit oleskeluyhteiskunnassa. 2017.
Helne, Tuula ja Laatu, Markku. Vääryyskirja 2006. Kelan tutkimusosasto.
Helne, Tuula ja Laatu, Markku Toinen vääryyskirja. Lähikuvia sosiaalisista epäkohdista. 2008.
Toimeentulotuki. Opas toimeentulotukilain soveltajille. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö. 2013. (Soveltuvin osin)
Laki toimeentulotuesta 1412/1997.
Muu opettajan osoittama materiaali.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures + doing assignments and online studies.

Assessment Criteria

Level 5: The student is able to evaluate and analyze the current social security system by applying theory in a client’s situation. The student masters the purpose, structure and appeal of income support. The student has realistic views on the development of social security and the overall development work.

Level 3: The student is able to apply their knowledge of social security to cases of client work. . The student knows the purpose, structure and appeal of income support. The student’s views on development needs are limited.

Level 1: The student remembers the most important structure and features of our social security and can recognize parts of the income support field.

Assessment Methods

The student will be given points during the course and these points will add up to the final grade. Some of the studies are carried out online.
