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Front Page > Study Search > Work with substance abuse, mental health and violence (SAPA0401) > 2022

Work with substance abuse, mental health and violence

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SAPA0401
Curriculum: SA 2020V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 2 (2022)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 6 cr
Responsible Teacher: Weber, Susanna
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Year 2022

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3004SA2020V-12K2022-01-01 – 2022-07-31Ahti Nyman, Maiju BjörkqvistFinnish2021-12-01 – 2022-01-10

Learning Outcomes

The student
* structures substance abuse, mental health policy and violence problems connection as parts of welfare policy
* knows the dimensions of substance abuse, mental health and violence problems and their influence to individual and next of kin and knows the most common operations models and structures of service
* knows resource-based working method


The dimensions and effects of an addiction and addiction to people nearby, risk factors
Mental health – the dimensions and effects of mental health problems, risk factors
Substance abuse and mental health policy
Manifestation, effects and identification of the problem of addiction to people nearby
Legislation (the main points) and service system of substance abuse, mental health and violence problems
Working methods: mini intervention, motivating interview/discussion, ambition steps, crisis work, facing and working with the victim, eyewitness and violent person, tackling the problem

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1: the student
* shows familiarity to knowledge base of the field, knows the main service principles and working methods of substance abuse, mental health and violence problems, dares to bring up his/her concern in interaction
Grade 3: the student
* how to search for knowledge from different sources and apply it for solving given assignment
* Acts naturally in interaction and as a member of a team, is able to direct to services and justify decisions
¬* knows the effects of problems to an individual and people nearby and can act responsibly and consciously taking to account the professional ethics and accountability principles
Grade 5: the student
* knows how to apply the knowledge base of the field in expert manner, understands the welfare policy and service system behind the issues of the study
¬* knows how to client-oriented to instruct towards the services, apply the working methods and promote target-oriented activities justifying the decisions in given assignment
