Knowledge base of social services and social wellbeing
Structure Type: | Study unit |
Code: | SA00BC64 |
Curriculum: | SA 2024V |
Level: | Bachelor of Social Services |
Year of Study: | 1 (2025) |
Credits: | 4 cr |
Responsible Teacher: | Niemistö, Riku |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Courses During the Year 2025
Impl. | Group(s) | Study Time | Teacher(s) | Language | Enrolment |
3011 | SA2024V-1K | 2025-01-01 – 2025-05-31 | Heli Huhta | Finnish | 2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13 |
Learning Outcomes
Student can
-The basics in sociocultural work, social work an social pedagogy
-Can apply the theories in practise with different client groups
-Holistic point of view to the well-being of and individual, especially social well-being
-Social problems in contemporary sociaties nationally and globally
-Knows the central indicators of welfare and understands their meaning for work practises
Student's Workload
Students total workload 106h, of which 30-44 in the schedule depending on the teachers plan.
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
No previous studies required.
-Central concepts of social
-Expertise in social
-Social problems
-The history of social work
-Social pedagogy, social work and sociocultural work in practise
Regional Impact
The student gains knowledge how to work regionally and locally and understands the regional differences in well-being.
The student develops her/his skills in social work in global perspective, social challenges are global.
Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools
Nivala, Elina & Ryynänen, Sanna. Sosiaalipedagogiikka : kohti inhimillisempää yhteiskuntaa
Kananoja, Aulikki ym. (toim.) Sosiaalityön käsikirja
Helminen, Jari (toim.) Sosiaaliohjaus - lähtökohtia ja käytäntöjä
Muu opettajan ilmoittama materiaali.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Individual studies
Assessment Methods
Numeric evaluation.