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Front Page > Current Education > Degree Programme in Social Services (SA) > 2022V > Year 3 > Youth Work (SA00BC86)

Youth Work

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SA00BC86
Curriculum: SA 2022V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 3 (2025)
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Weber, Susanna
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Year 2025

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3002SA2022-3A, SA2022-3B, SA2022V-23K2025-01-01 – 2025-05-31Susanna WeberFinnish2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13

Learning Outcomes

The student understands youth as a stage of life and is aware of the special features related to youth.
The student knows the history of youth work and the place and meaning of youth work in today´s society.
The student is familiar with the current youth work methods and methodological activities.
The student knows the importance of participation and is aware of the importance of the youth policy as a guiding factor in youth work.
The student understands the importance of interprofessionalism and networking in youth work.

Student's Workload



Youth as a stage in life
Social significance, structures and goals of youth work
Tasks, forms and methods of youth work
Social empowerment of young peoplea and prevention of exclusion
Youth participation and active citizenship
Youth law and policy

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Material provided by the teacher.

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1
The student understands the social significance of youth work and identifies the main working methods and goals of youth work.

Grade 3
The student is able to strengthen the social significance of youth work. The student understands the methods of youth work. The student is able to plan and implement youth work in a multi-professional way.

Grade 5
The student is able to work and develop youth work in a multi-professional way. The student is aware of the importance of participation in youth life and understands it´s social significance. The student understands the theory of youth work and is able to combine theory with practice.

Further Information

Spark-feedback system is used to collect course feedback.
