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Front Page > Current Education > Degree Programme in Social Services (SA) > 2022V > Year 3 > Advanced studies in disability services (SA00BC85)

Advanced studies in disability services

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SA00BC85
Curriculum: SA 2022V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 3 (2025)
Credits: 3 cr
Responsible Teacher: Järvelä, Tiina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The student knows
- how to promote participation of a disabled person with different working methods and use the latest research knowledge in his work
- understand the meaning of disability policy as a factor defining the actions

Student's Workload

Altogether 81 hours, of which scheduled study approximately 33 hours.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basic and vocational studies


- become acquainted with disability policy locally, nationally and internationally
- becomes acquainted with inclusive working methods
- gets acquainted with the research of disability work and the research basis of working methods
- the student becomes acquainted with one form of disability and prepares a presentation about it
- the student plans and implements stimulating activities during the course

Regional Impact

Application of current reforms in the field, research.


International disability policy.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Actual material connected to fieldstudy

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, Fieldstudy

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1-2: the student
- understands the meaning of disability policy in disability services and knows how to use the methods independently, in an expert manner and in a client-oriented way
- understands the meaning of participation

Grade 3-4: the student
- knows how to apply disability policy guidelines and other knowledge extensively and in expert manner when supporting participation
- the use of the methods is based in critical consideration

Grade 5: the student
- knows how to analyze, evaluate and realize actions with proper working methods which support participation in a client-oriented way and according the disability policy guidelines

Assessment Methods

Written report made individually or in pairs

Further Information

The student gives feedback on the course through the Spark system.
