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Front Page > Current Education > Degree Programme in Social Services (SA) > 2022V > Year 3 > Remedial child protection work (SA00BC83)

Remedial child protection work

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SA00BC83
Curriculum: SA 2022V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 3 (2025)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Niemistö, Riku
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The student knows
- and is aquainted to different aspects of child protection
- different possibilities of placing a child outside of her/his home
- understands that the primary placement is to a family
- the path of the client in child protection and understands and perceives both public and third sector service system
- how to critically apply and evaluate different methods in family work taking into account the special needs of the families
- the systemic child protection model and the priciples of therapeutic work in institutions

Student's Workload

135h, of which depending on teacher´s plan 35-55 in the classroom.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basic and professional studies completed


-Different aspects of child protection
-Systemic child protection model
-Different steps in social care and family-work
-Family-work methods
-Process of taking a child into care
-Foster-care options: family-care and institutions
-Foste-care supervision
-Quality in child protection
-Therapeutic work in institutions
-Co-operation when investigating neglect or abuse of a child

Regional Impact

The student develops her/his skills in working in the child-protection units in the region.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

-Lastensuojelun käsikirja. THL verkkosivut.
-Erityis- ja vaativan tason palvelujen työpajaprosessin raportit – Osana Lapsi-ja perhepalveluiden muutosohjelmaa. THL työpaperi 26/2017
-Tarja Heino (toim.) Mikä auttaa? Tutkimusperustaiset ja käytännössä toimivat työmenetelmät teininä sijoitettujen lasten hoidossa. THL 2020.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Individual studies
