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Front Page > Current Education > Degree Programme in Social Services (SA) > 2016 > Year 1 > Functions of the Society (SSAP0201)

Functions of the Society

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SSAP0201
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: SA 2016
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 1 (2016-2017)
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Niemistö, Riku
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2016-2017

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
17S-SA-1A2016-08-29 – 2016-12-23Heidi BlomFinnish2016-08-22 – 2016-09-19
18S-SA-1B2016-08-29 – 2016-12-23Heidi BlomFinnish2016-08-22 – 2016-09-19

Learning Outcomes

The student understands the social, economical, political and cultural structures and processes of the society. The student is familiar with the trajectory of the Finnish welfare society until present and with the modern Finnish society and living and knows how to evaluate it. The student knows how to connect the changes in the structures of society and in the way of living into the everyday life of people and evaluate them from the viewpoint of the social services branch.

Student's Workload

Lectures 55 h
Web-assignments 10h
Independent study 65 h
The assesment of student's own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No previous studies required.


Basic concepts of sociology, social politics and economics. Structure, operation and development of society and national economy. Welfare and welfare state. Way of living. Modern society and sustainable development.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

-Helne, Tuula ym. Sosiaalinen politiikka. WSOY. 2003.
-Jokinen Kimmo ja Saaristo Kimmo: Suomalainen yhteiskunta. WSOY. 2002 tai 2006.
-Karisto, Takala, Haapola: Matkalla nykyaikaan. Elintason, elämäntavan ja sosiaalipolitiikan muutos Suomessa. WSOY 2003, 3. tai uudempi painos.
-Koskela, M. & Rousu, A: Kansantalous tutuksi. WSOY. 2002 tai uudempi painos.
-Aaltio, E: Hyvinvoinnin uusi järjestys. Gaudeamus. 2013
- Erola, J & Räsänen, P: Johdatus sosiologian perusteisiin. Gaudeamus. 2014.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Contact hours, independent study, group work, web studies

Assessment Criteria

Perceiving distinctively the social, economical, political and cultural structures and processes of the society. The trajectory, present state and challenges of the Finnish welfare society are understood extensively. Profound acquaintance and individual contemplation in the learning assignments. Active participation in group activity. The connections between social phenomena and social services come forward clearly and diversely.

Perceiving essentially the social, economical, political and cultural structures and processes of the society. The main features of development, present state and challenges of the Finnish welfare state have been acquainted with. The student’s acquaintance shows in the learning assignments and there is some individual contemplation. The student gives his contribution to the functions of the group. Understanding the connections between social phenomena and social services.

Perceiving partly the social, economical, political and cultural structures and processes of the society. The main features of development, present state and challenges of the Finnish welfare state have been acquainted with in some parts. Learning assignments passed, lack of individual contemplation and profound acquaintance. Participation in contact hours. Perceiving the connections between social phenomena and social services is exiguous.

Assessment Methods

Exercises and exam. Numeric evaluation.
